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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • I think that the issue was how i was asking for context on Paul Wellstone using the Vietnam memorial. Here was the response i initially received:

    “Wellstone did not attempt to film or hold a political event at the Vietnam War Memorial. The controversy you’re thinking of might be related to the backlash following his 2002 memorial service, where the event was criticized by some for taking on a political tone.

    Wellstone himself was known for his deep respect for veterans and did not engage in actions like filming political content at war memorials. The Vietnam War Memorial is a solemn site, and there hasn’t been any documented attempt by Wellstone to use it for political purposes.

    If there’s something specific you’d like to discuss or clarify about this, please let me know!”

    As you can see it shut down the thought in a manner gpt does not do lightly. So i googled, and found his wikipedia page, and a lite skim painted him as uncontroversial. And i got a lot of google hits on the 2002 plane crash memorial being co-opted for political gains. So i returned here for more context.

  • “Wellstone also staged a news conference in front of the Vietnam War Memorial on the National Mall, drawing the ire of many veteran groups. Wellstone later said the event was a mistake.”

    Fair enough, though editing the comment made it difficult to realize you did provide what i asked for. I never called any one a lier. Just that when i went to chat gpt for context to what the other said it flat out told me it didn’t happen, which is uncharacteristic of chat gpt sycophantic tendencies. Usually talking a passive voice, or assuming i am making up a scenario and rolling with it. So i did google it and found that he was not considered controversial, and if the wiki mentioned it, it was only as a foot note.

    Everything i looked up pointed to the 2002 incident. Not sure why i am being dog piled here.

    Either way it seems odd to reference this as a Paul Wellstone ‘event’