Hey I have noticed occasional updates that have been great! I am curious if you would consider adding a sorting by controversial? Keep up the good work though! It’s been nice just getting to see what’s going on at Reddit without supporting them.
Hey I have noticed occasional updates that have been great! I am curious if you would consider adding a sorting by controversial? Keep up the good work though! It’s been nice just getting to see what’s going on at Reddit without supporting them.
I wish I could upvote twice. It just allows so much more customization, that allows much more comfortable hand positions. I often with disable my caps lock and use A and caps lock as run and crouch.
But for real, i struggle to play games with wasd default and now keybind changes. Part of it is as simple as my hand is just used to using esdf and I constantly hit the wrong keys in those games. But the loss of useable keys on my pinky just feels so bad.
I am glad I am not alone!
Hopefully I didn’t come across as advocating for not voting. I was just expressing my disappointment in how good people are unwilling to have hard conversations where opinions flow and change. 100% we need to vote and be the change we want to see. I just fear the changes will be slower than we want. The first step is keep tyrants away from the office then move forward.
It’s so hard, I live in a non-swing state that is very heavily republican. I have conversations with these people daily. They all want the same things as me, have families, great values, and are genuinely great people. But as soon as politics comes up they shut down. It’s only republican or nothing else. I don’t know if what a candidate in states like mine believe matters anymore. It’s just what they have always voted and always will vote. Politics just lives almost in a different universe for these people. It’s so far removed sometimes it feels like a fantasy that doesn’t really change your daily life. There is just no way to have a productive conversation anymore. Terrible and makes me sad because I think if they really understood, they would switch their vote because they often are hurting themselves.
Sometimes the most valuable person is someone who tells you to hide your shame. What tRump needs is someone to tell him to hide in a hole.
I can only hope we get there. Lobbyists and profits make changes slow.
I like this. Run up the score is such a simple elegant way of getting the point across to sports nerds. No reason to artificially keep the race close. We don’t get sportsmanship points for keeping it close. This is THE game, we want to win and we don’t care by how much. All that matters is we win. Go and score a touchdown/homerun/goal/point/strike/whatever by casting your vote and tell everyone else to do the same.