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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • I guess they’re trying to insinuate that there’s a conflict of interest because he worked for a government agency and Wikileaks leaked documents pertaining to that government agency.

    But, like… That would be like saying no judge could oversee the case of someone who attacked a courthouse because they work for the same legal system. That would be a real loophole in the law if by breaking the right ones, you just couldn’t be tried anymore.

  • I also noticed that both here on Lemmy and over on Reddit that there’s been a push of pro-Russian talking points and a huge push towards Islamaphobia for the past few days, starting just before the attacks this weekend.

    I understand there’s going to be some natural anger over the attack, but the amount of accounts I’ve seen, especially noticeable here on Lemmy because we just don’t have as many users, who are saying things like, “This is just what Muslims are like,” and, “Western countries accept these kinds of people, so expect them to do the same there,” and other racist bullshit talking points. They’ve also been painting the ongoing conflict as unquestionably one-sided in Israel’s favor.

    It’s depressing but kind of to be expected that there’s a psyops campaign going on trying to get people outraged at not just Hamas, not just Palestine, but all of Islam right now while simultaneously trying to paint Ukrainian surrender and pro-Russian propaganda. This horrible act of terror was either in part planned by Russia or at the very least is seen as an easy opportunity to try and weaken Western support of repelling their invasion of Ukraine. Just spending a little time in the wrong circles on social media should make that obvious.

  • One of the things that made me really like Sanders when he was first campaigning for president was when I looked up his record on American war and he had a voting record that tended to follow a quote from him that amounted to something like (paraphrasing), “War should be the last resort, but if a war is started, we need to see it fully see it through.”

    It’s not like siding with Ukraine and getting into that conflict is supporting warfare. It’s seeking to prevent warmongers from profiting off a senseless war. The idea that abandoning Ukraine to just be invaded and allowing Russia to get whatever they want by force is an, “Anti-war,” stance is fucking absurd.

  • You joke, but I’ve seen those kinds of arguments, especially online.

    Some time back, someone argued that global warming was a self-solving problem because the oceans reflect light and heat energy back out into space, so as the earth warms and the oceans rise, the ability to reflect that heat will increase and we could even go back into an ice age because of it.

    That is, of course, not really how it’s going to go. Massive ecological collapse and possible human extinction would occur due to the initial warming, first off, even before you get to the arguments about… Everything else at the crux of that.

    For a long time, one of the talking points of climate change denial wasn’t that it wasn’t happening but that it was normal for us to go through heating and cooling cycles, so just deal with it and wait it out, we survived the last ice age so we can survive this heat wave, right? But again, that’s mostly bullshit.

  • Hahaha! Uh, they weren’t great for a combination of factors, especially in my last year when I failed Real Analysis. Twice…

    I’ve tried coding. Not very good at it. Scripting can be fun, but I’m just really, really crap at it. Took the 101/102 classes for CS as one of my science requirements. I actually took 101 twice because I had taken it in community college first and the credit didn’t transfer. Three CS classes, never finished a final project. I couldn’t ever get them close to working for some reason. Like, I got a C or better as a final grade without ever turning in a final project in each class, but still. My practical application of software engineering is, well, impractical.

    As it is, a portfolio and networking (heh) tend to be the most important that I’ve heard from a lot of people when it comes to software engineering. I’ve tried to dabble, currently trying to battle my depression enough to actually work on making a point-and-click game in Adventure Games Studio. And my progress is just… Abysmal.

  • While I’m not quite that blunt, I do tend to take a utilitarian approach to institutions. When I went to school, I went there to attend classes, learn, work, the like. When I went to a job, I went there to work. I don’t really know how to approach people; the few times I’ve tried I’ve only made people uncomfortable, and mostly I just sit on my own and focus on what I’m “supposed” to be doing.

    This left me burning out with depression and failing out of university, unable to find a job and being some kind of unhirable that I don’t know why or how to fix as I’ve spent three years looking for anything that will hire me with no takers, and I have absolutely no friends. I’m a man in my thirties with almost no work experience, no marketable skills, no connections, living off the kindness of family, and just ever-growing gaps in an almost empty resume.

    Don’t be like that triceratops. And for the love of fuck, don’t be like me!

  • My question isn’t what the law says they can do but what they’re actually willing to do.

    While Georgia has said that Trump is going to get a mugshot, his three other arrests have decided not to do the mugshot, not to do the perp walk, not to this, not to that. He’s getting special treatment, and we don’t realistically know where that’s going to end. And with current law, former presidents get lifetime protection of the secret service, so there is a practicality question for if Trump is locked up.

    I’m hoping that the trials bring out the truth, right now I believe the truth to be that he’s guilty, and I hope that if he keeps violating the terms of the courts, which he seems deadset on doing, that he’s put in jail for that while the trials are ongoing. But I don’t necessarily think they will do that even if, on paper, they can.