• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • I like the term “extermination” which the ICC’s chief prosecutor used in his charging document against Bibi.

    Genocide requires intent. There is at least the possibility that Israel is merely showing careless disregard and willful ignorance towards Palestinian lifes. That doesn’t make a practical difference, of course. The fact that Israel is maybe? not as racist as they could be, doesn’t help all the dead or starving civilians.

    That’s why I like the term extermination. It’s precise but doesn’t require intent. It doesn’t imply that Israels interest in defeating Hamas is merely a smokescreen (for the record: I don’t think Hamas can be defeated militarily, but I understand the interest).

    And it does all that without being a euphemism.

    Edit: a previous version of this contained a Freudian slip where I confused the names of Biden and Netanjau.

  • Technically they don’t even have to give you the option to refuse cookies if they have a legitimate interest to collect them. The idea being that if a company’s business model depends on them collecting a certain data point then you shouldn’t be able to get the service for free.

    All of this means, that if a site offers you to refuse cookies they have a legitimate interest on then it’s probably bullshit and they are just using the general confusion to get more data than nessesary.

  • You don’t need to justify your purchasing decision to me. I am not even calling for a boycott of the game. I know people at Larian and I wish them all the success they can get.

    I am just surprised that this whole thing seems to be completely absent from the larger discussion about this game. I would have assumed, that it would have been at least a footnote.

  • Sure, but people were really mad earlier this year because Wizards of the Coast, the company that owns D&D tried to pull some licencing related shenanigans that would have massively fucked over the community. People were boycotting the movie a couple of months ago over that. It’s interesting, that Baldurs Gate seems to not be affected by this at all.

  • The big question is: What are you interested in and on what instance are you? For new users the local timeline is the best way to start building your network. Of course that only works if you picked an instance that caters to your interests.

    Honestly that’s my biggest problem with the official app always pointing you mastodon.social. It hides away one of the best on-boarding features in order to be more familiar rather than trying to make it work.

    Another way to find people is the fedifinder, a tool that shows you who of the people you follow on twitter also has a mastodon account (assuming you are on twitter)

  • Izzyondroid (the weird 90s looking store) can be used with the (or any) fdroid client. You just have to add the repository in the settings. Fdroid builds all the apps from source themselves. You need to add a request for packaging and even after that it takes a bit of time until the app is approved. It seems nobody has requested the inclusion yet. Izzy on the other hand takes the developer build binaries and publishes. The requirements are lower to be included here. So apps tend to be in izzy first and then get eventually added to fdroid proper.

  • I’ve long been calling cars the Swiss army knifes of transportation. Those knives objectively suck for most usecases. Sure, there is a little saw on there, but you’re not going to cut a tree with it. Similarly most dedicated tools will be better than their eqivalent on the multitool. But that’s not the point of a Swiss army knife. The little red tool is everything at once, removing the need to decide what to bring.

    Cars work in similar ways. They are inefficient, loud and bad for everybody’s health, including the planets. But they are also your all in one. Want to haul stuff? Cars. It’s raining and you don’t want to get wet? Cars. And so on and so forth. Each of this usecases has better alternatives (public transport, cargo bike etc) but none of these serve all usecases at once.

    The car therefore promotes intellectual laziness. Driving a car means not having to think about the best way, because the car always provides a way. And city design often helps with that. The extreme is North America, but other places are not free from this.

    Public transport rarely being door to door adds to this. You have to actually think about where the stations are in relation to your destination. Searching for parking is similar but people frequently don’t think of it as being part of the driving experience.

    And then there are additional reasons, that are less stupid. I’ve been told, that some people for example that some people don’t feel save taking transit, especially those of minorities. The car provides a level of isolation.

    Also social stigma (I would classify that reason as stupid though)