Professional game and software developer from Finland.



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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023

  • Signed this few days a go.

    Many games already do this and I would like to give honorary mention to NeocoreGames who have done this to their Van Helsing and most recently with Warhammer Inquisitor. Latter one just recently got offline support with all past seasons playable.

    I dont think its unreasonable to require even live services or mmos to have robust end-of-life plan that quarantees customers that the game will remain playable in some form or another.

  • With hundreds of games, updates, dlc, mods, merchandice, videos and streams appearing each passing day gaming communities would get flooded by spam if no such rules would be in place. If you want to advertise on a commercial platform then you should do so through official channels.

    Generally lemmy and reddit communities favor more organic content like for example solo game developer could ask for a feedback on piece of art of game mechanic they’ve implemented to their game in gamedev related communities. They could also participate to community events like screenshots saturday, share your progress friday or anything similar.

    Now /r/gaming and /r/pcgaming are probably huge communities that are mostly about discussing gaming news, articles and just general topics around gaming. These communities are probably hard to moderate as is and allowing people to self promote there could lead to flood of indie or mobile game ads, streamers and youtubers trying to get more views for their vods or streams, etc which could really annoy the community.

  • Well hopefully your population is intelligent enough to see through the lies after the populists take in to office. It’s usually when their incompetence shines right through as they’ll just start making excuses and keep blaming the opposition for their failures. It’s also the point where they usually start breaking most of the promises they made during the elections or while they where in the opposition.

    The French also have history of not so peaceful protests so the people in the ivory towers need to take that in to account.

  • This is only to be expected after politicians have applied new austerity measures year after year.
    Peacefull protests seem to have no effect on goverments and a lot of people are just looking for someone/something to blame for all the problems in the world.

    The party that has come off the worst is the Greens, the junior partner in Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition. Its members reported 1,219 incidents last year, up sevenfold from 2019.

    Honestly it’s only matter of time before we start seeing more extremism when it comes to protecting climate. The current peaceful protests, chaining oneself to a tree, blockking traffic or vandalizing art galleries are cute in comparsion to stuff attributed to earth liberation front.

  • Sure, but in order to solve that through migration we would need good infrastructure and effective processes to properly integrate these people to our societies. Unfortunately most of these countries do not have the money, expertise nor the will to implement these things properly making them fail not only their people but the refugees / migrants as well.

    These migrants also increase the need for more social security and better education as many of them struggle to find jobs due to lack of education, language skills or just general distrust/racism towards migrants. Add in the additional need for healthcare and day care services well further putting presure on social systems in verge of collapse.

    Now add in the possibility that artificial integeligence will cause causing unprecedented levels of unemployment in near future and how climate change may throw a wrench in the system at any point. I just don’t see how we can solve any of these problems under the current market economy.

  • They may like their politician but that still leaves out a lot of the congress who they may dislike and target with their radicalized outrage.
    But yeah the fact that these people are protected by greater (armed) security the chance for failure is far greater.

    But still quite surprised how little actions or lack of have backfired on people in power.
    Guess things will need to get way worse for more shit to start piling on their backyards.

  • I think there’s good chance for Lemmy and mastodon to become mainstream but I don’t they can replace their centralized counterparts. Mainly because I think that the social media in its current form is changing.

    While platforms like Reddit, Twitter, Facebook and Tiktok are likely not going anywhere for a while, each time these platforms break the trust of their users the more cracks start to form to the service that leak out users. Some of these users will look for something new, some of these users will look for alternate services, some of these users will create their own services.

    Many of these platforms rely on the attention economy, so all it really takes to make these platforms struggle is to divide that attention more and more to competitive platforms and services. This fragmentation has been happening for years now with people dividing their attention between multiple services like reddit, twitter, discord, facebook, tiktok, snapchat and whatnot. Now creating similar service for smaller audience is easier than ever and with A.I tools it’ll probably get even more easier.

    Its a bit similar to video games and live services, with competition for players attention getting more fierce by the day.