Personlig assistent, in Sweden helps certain people with disability. Was confused reading this.
Personlig assistent, in Sweden helps certain people with disability. Was confused reading this.
Volvo 142/242 4 lajf.
The pandemic board games, either one of them can give that feeling.
Tur att de vill rädda landsbygden genom att lätta på strandskyddet. Det har hämmat den i århundraden…
The most pure of feelings!
Interesting, when looking around there is tons of sources showing different numbers all over the place. I settled for another SVT article https://www.svt.se/datajournalistik/vargen-i-sverige-2024/
The issue is so polarizing I bet tons of groups want to push a narrative.
The numbers doesn’t match other sources. I would take this with a pinch of salt.
The real question!
… Jag fattar inte
Absolutly! Yes.
När var du liten?
En och en halv tomat.Plus den tomatens tomatkompisar.
I lived the life of a straight man for many years, after a breakup I just felt fed up with everything. Trying to be attractive, sacrificing much of my interests and preferences. It felt as i was playing a role in the theater. Later on, I got reconnected with an old friend who where at the same spot in life. We figured we wanted to live a different life above all the physical and intimate parts of a relationship. We moved in together in an semi-industrial/farming property and started living the chill life, focusing on what made us both happy. Fishing, camping, building weird projects, the lot of it. Those days where quite rock n roll. Simple and quite rough, but we had fun. More then ten years have passed and today we live in small house at the countryside. A little land, nice garden, a dog. You name it. We even run our own business today, quite well even. Nearing our forties, we have no plans of doing things differently from what we are already doing, as we have no regrets. We are not romantically involved, no plan on kids or nothing the like. But we love living as two guys sharing almost everything. We look forward getting older together and not being alone. We are privileged being able to live like this without being lynched by an angry mob… I feel for those who can’t or are stuck in the old rigid ways.
The heteronorm can go suck a bag of dicks, you live life as you want to, not as others expect you.
… Gooodbyee hoorseeseeeess…
Utan tvekan.