I pretend to be a bird on the internet. He/Him

  • 10 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I appreciate your engagement in this discussion, but I’d like to address your points as I feel like I didn’t make my first point about plants feeling pain as well as I could:

    Firstly, it’s important to clarify that the argument I presented isn’t about how similar creatures look to us, but rather about the ethical framework we use to assess suffering. The term “speciesism” is often used to criticize differential treatment based on species, and it’s a valid concern. However, drawing a moral line isn’t necessarily about appearance; it’s about recognizing the capacity for suffering and the moral responsibility that comes with it.

    You mentioned that pain requires perception, and we lack a definitive test for an inner listener. This is a valid point, and it’s why the debate surrounding the sentience of plants is ongoing. While we don’t have concrete evidence of plant consciousness as we do for animals, it’s also worth acknowledging that our understanding of consciousness is still evolving.

    Regarding behavior, you rightly point out that some birds exhibit complex behaviors, including language. This complexity raises important questions about the moral implications of causing harm to such creatures. The issue at hand is complex and nuanced; we can differentiate between beings with different cognitive capacities and still recognize the moral imperative to minimize suffering across the board.

    The point of discussing plants in this context is not to “win an argument” but to emphasize that the question of suffering is multifaceted. It’s a way to provoke thought about where we draw the line and whether our current practices align with our moral values. While we may not have all the answers, it’s important to engage in these discussions to encourage more ethical and sustainable choices.

    The intention here is not to rationalize cruelty but to foster a deeper understanding of the complex ethical considerations surrounding our treatment of all living beings. These discussions can help us evolve our practices and make more informed choices about our impact on the world around us.

  • Not at all; as stated in my comment, the debate is not about whether a given creature experiences pain and works to avoid suffering, but rather where you draw the line on what level of suffering is acceptable. I personally avoid buying meat products from the store because I feel that factory farms are inhumane and unsustainable, but I’m willing to and do raise and harvest meat birds for my own consumption.

    Judging by your comment history, you do eat plant-based, and that’s pretty cool. I encourage you to share some of your favourite plant-based recipes in this community :)

  • When organizations mess up, why is their first response to the critique to say “Why didn’t you come to us first?” when they really mean “Why did you make this public so we actually have to do something?”

    I get really frustrated with the response because it doesn’t come across as a company actually interested in improving, but just throwing accusations back and trying to beg off the responsibility of actually holding themselves accountable.

  • Thank you for sharing your experience. Reading the replies it seems like most of us have experienced similar from Reddit, and I agree with ArtZuron’s comment “the more public an online space becomes […] [t]he loudest most obnoxious people ruin it”. I’m reminded of Alyaza’s post of how unchecked toxicity can rapidly poison a userbase and drive away positive interaction. MayonnaiseArch sums it up better than I can: “being abused and gaslit and molested in any single interaction really makes you act in a different way, you can’t be honest or open in that kind of environment”