Bro WTF? The US should get ZERO say regarding the EU, its membership, and its continued existence. If it wasn’t clear enough for the average dumbass American, the right wing movement in the US is beholden to Russian interests. Every time they do something like this, you should be asking yourself, “who does this benefit the most?”
I listened to his long form interview this weekend on “The Daily” / NY Times. He’s a smug, overconfident POS. He kept saying how great he’s done in the past leading the party to gain seats in the Senate, etc. And how he’s the one who knows what to do.
First of all, GREAT FUCKING JOB, Chuck. Your leadership has led to the Republicans taking control of all branches of government. Wow, I’m really impressed by your strategy. Secondly, you acknowledge that this time is different, but you want to rely on strategies you’ve used in the past. Way to think outside the box.
He also was saying some really weird stuff about antisemitism. Like, it’s ok to criticize the Israeli government, but if you call someone a Zionist, that’s antisemitic. And that Hamas committed atrocities (true), but basically refuses to say that Israel is revisiting those atrocities ten times over on the Palestinians.
He overall sounded completely out of touch, unwilling or unable to adapt to a changing political landscape, and just completely complacent and ineffective.
So, it’s beyond time that he needs to go. Just like Pelosi needed to go.