You first then, don’t volunteer the vulnerable to be your fodder
You first then, don’t volunteer the vulnerable to be your fodder
I voted Harris, I’ll die under this you fucking ghoul
Oh god, Roger had okra farts again
American biscuits, closest you have are scones iirc
Even worse you forgot people have a dominant eye, it’s the one your “balanced” viewpoint chooses as center
I am stealing that mmand name for tabletop
Wait, you drank the pool water?
Oh god I already feel claustrophobic knowing everything in that tiny space would be made for people half a foot shorter than me, it’d be living in that fucking RV all over again
Yes but hydrogen has storage problems in that it messes with storage containers making long term storage potentially hazardous. How much of that last part is bullshit I am not qualified to answer but it sounds fucky to me.
Oh god… I just realized, “Lot Lizards”
I didn’t mean physically silence, more rhetorically silence them by assuming an argument before you were ever engaged, it comes across as an attempt to restrict discourse. If that was not your intent I apologize
Your first thought was to head off an argument against your train of thought, you don’t need your mod powers to do what I described. I do appreciate you having more restraint than more than one Reddit mod I’ve encountered thoigh
40k drama is always more complicated than that while being way dumber at the same time
And marines were just normal people, the Primarchs just generals and orks used bolters
When you are done tripping over yourself to silence those you disagree with consider this, both are treating the SYMPTOM not the disease
That’s what the post I responded to said yes
I mean, Hippos are statistically one of the largest killers of people where they live, they are adorable killing machines. But yeah it’s a bad line that makes a salient point in this instance
Many of the former Euro colonies started with stone tools and a nomadic lifestyle and where drug into the modern age (for the time of course) If Europe should repay the descendants of slavers, conquerors, and rapists for the advancements they brought, then by your own logic the colonies owe Europe reparations. Congrats your colonial policy is French!
There’s also the times they tried to overthrow the governments of the places that took them in, one of which was Jordan fyi