• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • I’m from the US. While I have travelled to locales where they are commonplace, I never actually tried one. When lockdown and the tp crisis started, however, I purchased one online. I now hate having to use any lavatory that doesn’t have a bidet.

    Q - Doesn’t it feel weird? A - No. Some people are worried that it may feel sexual. It doesn’t. It’s just a localized shower on your ass, which is something you hopefully do regularly.

    Q - Won’t it just push detritus away from the epicenter and make a mess? A - It can, if the bidet has narrow spray. Mine does this. Just do a quick shimmy that makes the jet draw a decreasing radius spiral.

    Q - Doesn’t everything get wet? A - Some bidets have air dryers, but in the absence of, yes. Keep tp in the lav to address this. The quick wipe to address this still saves a ton of tp.

  • I bought my first Android smartphone in 2008. In terms of computer ecosystems that I was interacting with leading up to that, I was using Windows, Mac OS, and Linux for various applications, so I don’t think there was any tribalism in my decision to go Android. Rather, it was just that in testing Android and iOS through friends and at the telecom store I just could not wrap my head around iOS from a usability perspective. Android just felt really intuitive to me. I never have and probably never will be a mobile device power user, so flexibility in that regard wasn’t a factor either. To this day, I’ve never had any serious software issue with Android devices, and they just do what I need them to do, in a format that I have gelled with from the get-go.