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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 18th, 2023


  • I think that’s a little too simplistic. I definitely agree that “we can’t show you the evidence of why we made this decision but trust us” isn’t going to instill confidence in the community, but it’s not like the steering council is some unrelated board of executives. They’re all core developers, theoretically chosen for their dedication and contributions to Python as a whole, and it seems their granted power has made them anxious about showing favoritism among the most seasoned at the expense of upholding the community guidelines that keep the Python community a positive and welcoming place.

    I think a flawed decision was made, or at least the way it was presented was flawed, and that should be considered for the next election. Maybe the council does need to be totally overhauled, that’s a valid position. But this is their work, too, and imply they have no skin in the game is disingenuous.

  • You know, when I read The Handmaid’s Tale back in high school, I didn’t think the ending made any sense. How do you have tourists just walking around taking pictures when there’s horrible human rights violations happening in plain sight?

    I think I get it now.

    Honestly the accounts of the woman who visited almost bother me more than the men. Even as a tourist she wasn’t allowed to do certain things, but she can just leave whenever she wants. Wonder how her friends among the locals feel about that.

  • I was looking around at rental houses a few years back because the owner of our current rental was kicking us out to sell. I visited a house that the owner was “flipping” for rental and noticed there was no stove/oven. I asked the owner about it and he said “oh, tenants usually bring their own.”

    Place was sketchy as hell in other areas, too; tons of those cheapo plastic panel walls propped up at odd angles hiding god knows what, bare hardwood floors that had clearly had the carpet ripped up without refinishing or even removing all the staples, and slanted floors that really made me feel like I was about to fall into the basement. Luckily we were able to find another place, but it was a low CoL area and I’m sure some desperate family got stuck in that heap.

  • I was a reddit Sync user and was super bummed when (large scale) API access was shut off, so I jumped on the chance to use Sync for Lemmy. It defaulted to world for signups, presumably for ease of use for migrating reddit users. Knowing that Sync already had a loyal audience that was willing to put in a little effort to migrate, it seems the dev opted to make everything as similar to the reddit UX as possible, including registration.

    Now that I’m more familiar with the fediverse, I’ve been considering migrating to a more specialized instance that matches my interests. Truthfully, though, it seems unlikely that much of anything would change if I did since I’m going to keep using the same app, so I’ve been slow to move.

    To compare this with my experience with Mastodon, I was absolutely overwhelmed by the idea of instances and really had no idea which to join, nor did I have a familiar app to work with. I figured it out eventually, but a lot of the artists I follow didn’t or didn’t have time to, so overall I haven’t spent much time on it. I’ve spent way too much time on Lemmy so far.

  • I agree that most people won’t care but take issue with calling them “dumb”. Everyone has a limited amount of time on this planet to build skills and chase hobbies. A lot of people on this site have tech-related jobs and hobbies, so of course this matters to us. I might expect someone who buys pre-built gaming PCs to keep this on their radar, but the vast majority of folks who use computers as email and social media machines, including those who only use it for data entry type jobs, have little reason to care about the specifics of their CPU or any other single component of their computer. If their computer breaks, that’s annoying, but that’s life. They’ll spend the same amount on a new laptop as we might spend on a new CPU and get on with their day.

    I don’t know what brand of spark plugs are in my car, and maybe a mechanic or car enthusiast would find that dumb. But hey, I’m too busy caring about my CPU to spend time worrying about my car unless it breaks.

  • I have the opposite experience, I only watched it a couple years ago and thought the hype would totally kill it for me, but I actually ended up really enjoying it and EoE in particular stuck with me. I loved the idea that love is born of the risk we take of truly being known by other people.

    I will say that the quality of the Netflix dub probably helped a lot. I know they changed some translations which kinda sucks, but overall the voice acting is so much better. No hate to Spike Spencer, he’s obviously a very prolific voice actor, but I think his performance of Shinji is at least part of why people thought he was so whiny. We were originally going to watch through the rebuild movies dubbed, too, but it was so bad we decided to switch to sub.

  • Oh man, the first dog I ever got for myself was a rescue at around 2 years old so we didn’t get much of a puppy phase. I was thinking “I remember my parents’ dogs chewing things up for years before they settled down, I guess it just seemed that way because I was young.”

    Then we got a six month old rescue and holy shit, he’s a menace. A very cute and sweet one, luckily for him, but also smart, stubborn, and playful, which is dangerous combo. Thankfully he’s improved a lot over the past year or so and we’ve learned how to not give him attention when he’s being bad. It’s really satisfying to see him learn and grow and start to chill out, but by God I don’t know if I’ll ever get another puppy. Still love him to bits, though. Great napping buddy.

  • I like my dog’s energy because she motivates me to move at least a little bit each day. Of course I’m not gonna get a husky because no amount of motivation would let me keep up with them, but a good energy match in a dog is heaven to me.

    I like cats too, but I feel like I just don’t “get” them as intuitively.