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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Do you have a source because it really does not destroy the fibre unless you’re doing an incredible fine grind which a blender simply is not capable of, certainly for the 10-20s it takes to make a smoothie. You’ll need a source on this.

    Nuts aren’t unhealthy seriously what are you talking about? A bunch of extreme examples that never really happen?

  • The movement left that you’re referring to, if whining about the social left, is that we’re finally able to acknowledge large groups of people that were oppressed for fucking ages. And when I say able I’m breezing last the fact that people still find themselves in dangerous situations all the time. Yes, things get more complex as each step forward reveals new layers but accepting trans people and realizing that you need to force business owners to not be hugely racist is not “moving left” it’s “being a decent fucking human being”.

  • We can’t realize because it is objectively untrue. Like, the right just keeps moving right and has been doing so for many decades. They’re not just lagging behind but actively doing as much as they can to obstruct progress and even undoing as much of it as they possibly can. It’s pushed even the very idea of “the left” towards the middle so when you get someone even slightly left who hasn’t changed their views at all speaking up people think they’re “moving further left”.

    Again, there’s nothing there to realize because you comment is just completely and easily fact-checked to be wrong.

  • The restrictions are on people who are playing the game(and showing it off prior to release).

    The restrictions are showing that the company selling the game is kinda shitty.

    We cannot say for certain but it’s possible that someone(s) in the first group, the customers, is trying to disrupt the sales for a game from a shitty company.

    The people who care about and released the restrictions and the people who would be affected by the attack are the same people. The attack isn’t about in-game themes because if it was they simply wouldn’t launch the game.