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Joined 1 month ago
Cake day: August 8th, 2024


  • First off, the only one asking for fealty is the republicans. Second, trump already said ā€œfinish the jobā€ so obviously heā€™s not in favor of a cease fire.

    Now weā€™re right back to voting against your own interests. A not vote for Kamala is a vote for Trump(in a tight race like this)ā€¦. who supports the genocide fullyā€¦ ā€œfinish the jobā€

    You have two options.

    1. vote for an administration that has called for a cease fire and is working to get it. Not doing a great job at it but the alternative isā€¦

    2. Vote for the administration that has said ā€œfinish the jobā€ fully supporting the genocide and not calling for a cease fire.

    How are you going to not be ignored? If trump wins because people like you donā€™t vote youā€™re definitely getting ignored lol. Actually that mother fucker might thank you for helping him get elected.

    ā€œIf these people wonā€™t do exactly I want then Iā€™m going to make sure I get exactly what I donā€™t want!ā€ - thatā€™s you, thatā€™s how you sound

    Even the poll you just posted shows dems are more in favor of a mutually beneficial outcome, as opposed to(not to beat a dead horse but) ā€œfinish the job.

    You want to be seen and heard? get out and protest and vote for your best interests. You want to be ignored? Donā€™t vote. Not voting gives you literally no skin in the game to complain later


  • You said you canā€™t garauntee youā€™ll vote for Kamala and that she needs to earn your vote. Also that you shouldnā€™t be ignored.

    What are you saying? Are you saying thereā€™s a possibility youā€™ll vote for trump? Because thatā€™s the only other optionā€¦ unless you donā€™t vote.

    I guess Iā€™m just confused about how are going to get these people to see you. How are you going to not be ignored? The whole no confidence vote already happened, and the next vote is the only one left