• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • That’s seems like reasonable.

    I’m sure I’m not telling you anything new, but if you use them for marketing I’d always try to include your self hosted link. Before retiring for health reasons I worked in mfr and I know when we would have shortages from our existing suppliers for actual parts we’d also start just googling that part directly and occasionally would find new suppliers that way though that involved more risks and extra testing of the parts ordered so it wasn’t a regular thing.

    For consumer stuff I enjoyed a lot of reddits comics and am glad I bookmarked those artists site so I can give them clicks directly. Plus I won’t miss out on limited sales of merch for some of them. There was a dragon plushie I regret missing. Good luck on your business.

    I think we need more competition and anti trust enforcement on the big conglomerates that own majority’s of any said market. Sometimes feel like we are going through another robber baron stage in the US.

  • If he took a test at the same time, and knows she did as well, won’t he be asking about the results?

    I think she should tell him, but also stress that to her she is his Dad, and if she isnt intending on tracking down her biological donor she should make that clear also. He was the one there throughout the years, he is the one trying to make an effort now. It sounds like she loves him and is afraid of losing him, give her some time to absorb and process. Maybe she could talk to a therapist to help her sort this out, and for tips on the best language to use etc?

    I mean I’m estranged from my father and I would be having big feeling finding out something like this.