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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I apologize, i tought the post was published on one of the french lemmy’s intance That’s strange because i’m not subcribed to this community…Well, i just replied without checking first.

    I wondered who was the president during Rwanda’s genocide in 1994. And it was Mitterand, a socialist. (Which surprise me a lot, usually right president are the worst). During my childhood there weren’t any history lesson on Rwanda yet.

    According to the newpapers Le Point, Mitterand knews along few people and continued taking bad decision altough some people warned him about the Rwanda current regime and risk.

  • That depend.

    On the mental side, you can stop watching those news. They will basically tell you the same thing, again and again.

    The only real news will be when they stop.

    You should care because these human are killed. We may reach a third world wars. Or see an increase of fuel price ? Anyway, it will impact us.

    On the other way, you are watching it from a very distant land. So you can focus on your area, local community and don’t give a damn, it’s fine too, we can’t be everywhere. Or give support to those civilisian under bombe strike.

  • Yeah, those game are great. Stranded, will look that. There is also Eco. And i would add getting over it :)

    Another economical system ? Let’s say universal income, bank of time ? Libre currency ? An anarchy system with several democraty system and quadratic vote ? A shared decision along other mayors (players) ? I’m willing to explore those ideas where the idea of grow is simply erased along infinite ressource. Basnished is somewhat close to it as resources are limited.

    Something that follow GIEC’s recommendation where building the biggest city will result a game over and economic collapse.

    Horizontality skill system. Veloren try to do that but it’s not what i’m seeking. Maybe soul game are closer as you learn how to be better instead of using skill, weapon, armor ? It would erase the experience point in rpg system. There is no grow. You are just a human with the same set as everyone. No better armor, no new skills. So you can be killed by a new player.

    Collaborative game instead competitive one . There are lot ideas to explore as relationship. :)

  • Hmmm, quite hard to choose. I would say an anticapitalist game. Most of game focus on growing, gaining power and i never saw an game that has horizontal power hard coded to its bone.

    For example : city skyline unlock new building based on population threesold. The city development is geared toward growing, expanding and creating new job. That’s bad. We can’t live in this kind of world anymore and yet we fail to imagime something different.

    Can’t we imagine a new economical system and set up new variable ? Or a game that go beyond the scope of heroes’s story ? Why should we be special ?