Trackballs are the most cultured choice, although I wish I could buy one that’s huge like the one on that golf game that used to be in arcades.
Trackballs are the most cultured choice, although I wish I could buy one that’s huge like the one on that golf game that used to be in arcades.
trackball gang trackball gang trackball gang
I thought I was going crazy, but no this exact guy had almost this exact same conversation with almost the exact same people back in March of last year.
I don’t think so, and last time she said it because they asked her in an interview.
TSwift is frankly a large enough celebrity that saying anything political could easily cost her millions of dollars, so while I do kinda wish she’d say things I agree with I also recognize that there’s really no incentive for her to do so.
She endorsed Biden last election, but that doesn’t mean they’re not going off the handle for no reason.
There’s a guy who was really into bread who wrote a whole book about this.
Have you tried cleaning it? If that doesn’t fix it then that sucks, I have a gameball and it’s smooth as ice.