Nope. I don’t talk about myself like that.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023

  • Yes, but at the very least they have to do queries to build that profile out across dozens or hundreds of recipients… And they only get what I explicitly sent to them/their users.

    Google collects 100% of the emails you’re getting on gmail and it’s already sent directly to you… so they see it completely… including emails being sent to other sources since it originates from their server (so collecting information that would be going to an MS Exchange server as well…).

    Self hosting this means that you’re collecting your own shit… And companies can only get the outgoing side to their users. And never the full picture of your systems/emails.

    This matters a lot more than you think. Lots of systems for automation sends through systems like Mailchimp, PHPmailer, etc… So those emails from your doctor likely never originated from MS or Google to begin with. When it hits your inbox on Gmail or Outlook… Well now it’s on their system. Now they can analyze it.

  • What do you use for that?

    Because emails can have a boatload of sensitive information (especially when collected en masse, think years and years of emails)… In the day of AI bullshit. Minimizing all that data being directly attached to an account associated with you and owned by google or some other corp seems like a sane desire. If you primary a gmail account… and they start (they probably already are) training on that dataset. Shit is going to get real testy.

  • Fuck Google Maps. I’ve been requesting to fix my road for 6 months now (new house I just purchased this year). They refuse. So now any website that uses google apis to validate addresses fucks me over. My road turns from “<road> Drive” to “<road> Court” at a junction with another road. Google maps just calls the whole road “Drive”.

    The road signs even show up in street view. And the other roads around me that have the same structure are all correct.

  • We get it, you’re a Trump supporter.

    LMFAO. Yeah sure. If you actually read my posts you’ll see that I want both parties to be better. Neither candidate is worth my vote. And I’ve never voted Trump.

    I’m glad you felt safe during his presidency, unfortunately an easy 45% of the American population (queer and minority groups) did not feel this way and were vilified by Trump and his supporters during his presidency

    I’m in a (several) minority group. Don’t speak for me.

    so that “assassination” attempt that definitely wasn’t staged

    Man… And you idiots call the right leaning groups conspiracy nuts. It’s impossible to have a discussion with any of you when you say really dumb shit like this. 1 person is dead. 2 are in hospital. You think that was staged? Killing people on live TV was staged?

    All the hatred and vitriol he created just poof wiped away because supposedly a leftist “shot a pellet” at him, which is an assassination attempt?


    Trump will kill more Palestinian’s in a year through his rhetoric

    Ah cause so many are making it through now right? Israel is doing so much worse because Biden or Trump is in office! Holy shit you’re something special.

    I have nothing I can positively say to you. You’re hook line and sinker for the cult of Biden. God forbid we acknowledge even basic facts like someone fucking died.

    Edit: Corrected a sentence… missed a couple of words.

    Edit2: Oh and to clarify, I’m not counting the shooter in the dead count. There’s really 2… But who gives a shit about someone who kills random civilians.

  • All of your points boil down to things that actually can’t be found in Project2025 it seems. Removal of DEI is the only point I see here that is actually in there… And honestly… DEI just doesn’t/isn’t work/working IMO. Working for an R1 University, I sat on the board that hired people in my department. Those with qualifications were overlooked and were not hired… those without qualifications were voted against by the board and were still hired… They held some form of desired racial quality.

    Those links… none of them actually state what parts of the Project2025 say these things. It’s more of the same handwavy “well it says it somewhere in there” with no direct quotes or evidence otherwise.

    Also, I’m sorry if I made you feel disrespected, I wasn’t trying to do that.

    I don’t expect civilians to understand military at all. I don’t hold you to any standard in that respect (unless you try to speak authoritatively on any of it). However, commander in chief, I would hold to the highest standard.

    But I still think Trump is clearly the more dangerous choice - hell any Republican would be seeing what they’ve done in red states, not to mention how he plans on not conceding if he loses. (Not how democracy works)

    Not from my perspective. And especially not after seeing the assassination attempt of Trump on the news literally an hour ago.

    Edit: fixed a non-clear point… poor wording.

  • Otherwise you are supporting the felon, Putin, Orban and insanity.

    And this is where you’re wrong. I can support “nothing”. Until either side actually puts up a reasonable fucking choice. I’ll choose to support myself, and that’s it.

    Edit: Are you vote botting yourself? The same people are upvoting your comment… hours apart. Very odd that the same couple people are upvoting all your stuff hours apart on a thread they presumably would read once and move on from.

  • but even with all his problems hes still a way better choice.

    I don’t think so. I, and everyone I know lived considerably better under Trump. And I’m not getting much valid argument to sway me otherwise of why what we have now is worth the cost.

    Also I never said it didn’t matter about getting the troop numbers wrong.

    There’s a difference between getting a number wrong off the top of your head to claiming IT NEVER HAPPENED. If I eat half a pie of pizza and claim I ate 3 slices when it was really 4… That’s a completely different thing than forgetting that there was even pizza to being with. Now up the scale to people who died under your orders. You’re downplaying this rather than owning it and pushing for a better fucking candidate.

    when has he disparaged veterans?

    Seriously? “Clap for that you stupid bastards” to a room of military members who were forced to attend his speech. We already covered him shitting on dead soldiers under his watch. Why do I have to give you more evidence when you ALREADY acknowledged at least one instance of it? Do I have to write you a book on it? We’ve already acknowledged it. Accept that he’s done it.

    I can tell you as a VA-going veteran… The VA was better under trump. So if he shits on veterans in speeches (telling them to stand up when they’re disabled and wheel-chair bound), can’t even sit through a proper ceremony where HIS DEAD SOLDIERS returned in casket, his veteran policy leads to shittier care for myself and everyone I know… Yes… He shits on veterans. I’m sorry that you have to hear it from me. There’s very few Veterans that I’m aware of that actually want to vote Biden. ( the facts here [not the shitty editorializing] matches what I observe in the VA system as a user of the system.)

    Trump is the one doing major shitting on the military and veterans:

    Which nobody heard first hand… Most military members believe this to be bullshit (me included). With Biden it’s all on tape. With Trump, I have to take the third party account and word of 1 person against many others’ word saying that it didn’t happen to begin with. There is no actual evidence that it was said at all… people like you keep claiming that he said it like you can wish it into existence. If he says it in private, fine… Even if he said it in public… Veterans under Trump got better care (IME). Actions speak louder than words as the adage goes. Biden both speaks and acts as if the Military is a burden on him. Where at “worst” trump said one thing in private… and then takes actions to better millions of veterans lives. It’s an obvious “win” here.

    Edit: Ah shit! I see you edited the comment while I was making this one… Let’s address the shit you ninja’d in there…

    Trump is a convicted rapist

    So not child rapist as you claimed? Why are you lying to get your point across then?

    The Biden assaulting his daughter thing has been debunked

    This isn’t what I said… nor the claim I made. You can read the diary for yourself. This is the claim I’m referencing. And here’s the diary you can read yourself. My claim here is that I view showering with your daughters as a form of sexual abuse(and I understand that this is subjective), I never said assault. I have 2 daughters, I’ve never once showered with them. I’ve bathed them… I’ve made them shower (shampoo’d their hair, etc…). I’ve never showered with them. I would also argue that many of the topics Ashley covers in her diary should not have been able to happen if Biden was actually a decent father. But that’s a different topic all together.

    As for project 2025 it was written by his advisors, along with the heritage foundation (who worked closely with his administration as well).

    So you’re not going to tell me how it’s fascist? I’m giving you that it’s probably Christian-based. From what I read it follows a lot of Christian beliefs… But point me to anything in there that’s fascist. Here’s a copy of it for you. Once again… Please show me SPECIFICALLY what policy he’s pushing that’s going to force fascism?

    Why did you ignore both questions and dodge them into other points that were barely related?

  • You want me to ignore 95% of the speech to address comments at the end that amounts to literal moments? And judge his “fantastic” speech on just those moments…

    It’s not a matter of me “already deciding” something… It’s being objective.

    When the man is forced to talk off prompter for longer than literal moments. He fails… EVERY time. And even oftentimes fails ON prompter. But for some reason this 90 seconds or so proves otherwise for you. This speaks more for you than for me.

  • Trump is lying about being a child rapist, and his plans to institute a christo-fascist state, which seems significantly worse than getting some statistics wrong.

    Please source these items individually for me.

    Trump is a child rapist -

    This sounds like deflection from Biden sexually abusing his own daughter. Snopes doesn’t even give any credence to this one… which historically was anti-trump and pro-biden (having to revise many articles in the past year in more favor of Trump).

    his plans to institute a christo-fascist state -

    Are you talking about Project2025? Can you a) source that he subscribes to it? b) source what part of it is facist, I mean specific article/page/chapter… something more meaningful that just screaming Project2025?

    I mean, overlooking troops dying is more significant

    Overlooking? The fucker shits on veterans everywhere, regularly. Yet I have people telling me that I should overlook that myself, as a veteran. Fuck that.

    but he has cracked down on the border. He tried passing a border control law but the Republicans killed it.

    No he hasn’t. We’ve had well over 30 million illegals cross the border in his 3.5 years in office. Border encounters are still at record highs. With sources saying that we have 6 million encounters alone from 2021-2023 FYs alone ( Remember that encounters do not count those that make it through without being captured. And pushing lies like this doesn’t help you lend any credibility to Biden. Waiting until t-6months to finally do something about a problem that was a non-issue under your predecessor is an abysmal take to argue for something that matters a lot to border state residents and to the safety of our country (with active known terrorists being caught at the border regularly). Your argument is basically “he’s doing something”… Doing “something” against 1240% increase is not sufficient. Stop acting like it is.

    Arguing that they are both liars and therefore equally as bad seems ludicrous.

    Only to people too stupid to realize the alternative is to run LITERALLY ANYONE ELSE WITH A FUCKING PULSE that’s preferably below the age of retirement. Only idiots believe that Biden is the only answer.

  • You think he hasn’t lied?

    “I’m the only president this century that doesn’t have any — this decade — that doesn’t have any troops dying anywhere in the world, like [Trump] did.”

    So the video of Biden checking his watch over and over again as military members were passing him… They weren’t dead. They were just sleeping extra hard.

    The US Border Patrol union “endorsed me, endorsed my position.”

    “Black unemployment is the lowest level it’s been in a long, long time.”

    In April 2023 under Biden, black unemployment hit a record low of 4.8%, beating a previous low of 5.3% reached under Trump in 2019.

    However, the rate last month was 6.1%. Far from “lowest” by several percentage points.

    “We have a thousand millionaires in America, I mean billionaires. And what’s happening? They’re in a situation where they in fact pay 8.2% taxes.”

    The top 1% of taxpayers (income of at least $548,000) paid an average tax rate of nearly 26% in 2020, while the top 0.001% — 1,475 taxpayers with at least $77 million in adjusted gross income – paid 23.7%

    “I’ve changed in a way that now you’re in a situation where there are 40% fewer people coming across the border illegally. That’s better than when [Trump] left office.”

    HAH. I not even gratifying this lie with the truth. I think we all know the southern border is a serious problem and that it’s still not even close to Trump levels.

    These were JUST from the debate… Several other statements weren’t outright lies, but definitely misrepresentations of the truth. You’re not going to convince anyone that Biden ISN’T lying. There is no single “big liar”. They’re both lying.