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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • It has been an absolute gift to be part of and watching that/this growth. Seeing posts on a new platform go from something like 10/day to the, now, probably, hundreds, if not thousands per day.

    I remember in late May/early June this year (2023, when this place really came alive, for archival sake), seeing the posts on Reddit about the ACTUAL api changes, then that evolving into a bit of vocal protest, which surprisingly evolved into an ACTUAL protest with a lot more information why. It was the last straw for me. Everything the world has shit on me and my generation and lifetime, all of it from selfishness and ignorance and greed. Then musk bought Twitter and immediately drove it face first into the ground at high speed and got support by most of the worst demographics on the face of the planet - and I didn’t even care about Twitter. But, a long-standing media giant, brought down by a billionaire simply because he had the money? It was if all of our intuitive fears about the world being awful just came true in real time, over, and over, and over, and over. The past fifteen years have been so bad, it’s actually insane, and it’s nuts to think that it can still be way way worse.

    And then along came this dried out, greedy ass, shameless, two faced, wannabe psychopath who IDOLIZED Musk, Hoffman/spez, and just shits in the faces of everybody on Reddit that ever cared about anything. The very people trying to make the world a better place at least for a little while, pleading with him not to be THAT greedy and shitty. And he just spread open his wonderbread buttcheeks, stared us all in the eyes, looked away, smiled into a mirror, and blasted out what was left of his rotten, liquefied spine. RIP Aaron.

    Everybody saw it coming, yet we were still all shocked at how blatantly greedy and manipulative every single event was. Now, he’s just trying to wait it out and let it quiet down.

    I’m still convinced this or an evolution of this will be Web3.0. The evolution past megacorps as a result of direct abuse of power, anti-competitive and other dark behaviors, anti privacy, ultra-rich maximizations of profits, and late stage capitalism. Decentralization and a reinvigoration and re-emphasis on integrity and quality, put truly into the hands of the users by stripping abilities of people like musk to literally capitalize on and destroy is hugely paramount in the next step. We all want it, the world needs it, and maybe the Fediverse is it. Maybe, maybe not. It feels like the right direction and I’ve had enough bullshit to know it.

  • There was an episode of vsauce or veritasium or cgpgrey several years ago that kind of talked about this a little bit. Basically, inside and outside of us, alongside covering all of our things and everything we touch and are around and other people, are all part of an extended network of poop particles and bacteria.

    You get sick when new things get past your exterior & interior poop network of bacterial defenses. Same for anyone, anywhere. It’s all just how much, how fast, and how far and how new, the new bacteria and viruses get. If it gets too far, too fast, we might die.

    But, people are disgusting and COVERED IN POOP BACTERIA AND VIRUSES and so we’re all fairly familiar with everything, and nothing is too different.

    COVID-19, for example, was very different and spread in large amounts very quickly, I believe it’s why it’s called a “novel” virus. It was different enough that it just waltzed past all our defenses and killed millions of people. And then, it mutated enough, and quickly enough, that when it came back to us with the new form, our immune systems were like “damn this one virus came in here and caused a ton of damage, but for some reason we don’t know exactly what it looks like. Are you that virus or it’s relative?” And the mutation was like, “uhhh, no?” And the security guard/immune system was all, “okay, come on through.” And it would get us sick again.

    Biology is weird and epidemiology is incredibly difficult when half the population is fucking homeschooled and thinks horse dewormer helps this type of thing or that it’s fake or something.

  • 50k very active users that try to have integrity is a pretty big deal. Because with that will come development of the platform, meanwhile Reddit is going to struggle with a new chapter of shitty moderation and decreased quality. There are also a lot of people burnt out on the issue and so I expect real numbers from the immediate to be more visible over the next month or two.

    Plus, which instances are you looking at for those numbers? Are all the lemmy instances and kbin included in those numbers?

    Let’s just assume that it’s going to be about 1% of reddit’s userbase. Does it matter which 1%? How will the platforms evolve? Because both are very different now than before, we’re seeing realtime changes across a lot of tech and the internet. A lot of faith was lost by the public in many platforms by the people at all paying attention, and a lot of hope was garnished by the successful move to new platforms.

    Stuff is definitely changing. I’m curious what big tech is gonna do to try to restore faith, or if they’ll try to pretend nothing’s happened and try to sweep it under the rug. A lot of people already try to downplay the events into just numbers, but in reality, there are a LOT of eyes watching and waiting to see what happens. People are tired of the same old capitalist bullshit and want something better, it isn’t just ex/reddittors, it’s Twitter users, Linux users, Amazon users, Netflix users, students with debt, homeowners, and a LOT of young people. People want better and the messed up economic future is making people pay attention more than ever.

    It’s all interwoven and something’s gotta give.

  • Back in 2017 or whatever that North American solar eclipse was, I drove down to Bend Oregon to view it. After, there was bumper to bumper traffic almost the whole way north, back to Seattle, WA. There was literal bumper to bumper traffic from Bend, OR to Issaquah, WA. That was almost 350 miles and took basically an entire day. It was horrible having to pee on the side of the road in bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of nowhere. Protip? Don’t try to drink the Gatorade just to have a pee bottle.

  • I think this place and the fediverse we’re in now is supposed to be based in anti censorship? So you should theoretically be able to just outright say you hope he dies? I’m not actually sure on that though. Any mods or admins here if you want to correct me, please do. Because, I do hope abbott chokes on a brussel sprout and dies. Him, desantis, trump, and carlson can all join limbaugh in the forever nothing with the rest of the fucking nazis. They can all fight strokes and lose. Again, mods, let me know if this isn’t okay, I’ll gladly check myself hahaha. (I’m not used to being able to say stuff like this and it feels… dirty or wrong to just say)

  • Yeah, huh. It’s weird how that happened. Disney, ruiner of many small companies and destroyer of the purpose of copyright law on a deeply greedy level, goes against a sociopath nazi white nationalist, probably kkk.

    Ten years ago, I liked Disney stuff but hated what they’ve done to the freedom of law and ruining the opportunities of many.

    But here we are, post-2016 trump era, the world is way, way worse, and my activist political aunt was right.

    She said to me, back then at a family get together after dinner, that electing trump is an extremely scary thing and would be bad.

    I asked her what’s the worst that could really happen.

    She kinda stared back at me, as if to gauge what to say. Then said that he was the type of person that brings all the awful things out from under their rocks, and told me to keep my eyes open and pay attention, because if he got elected, the next 4 years will be the type of history that only happens once in a lifetime.

    She was 100% serious, as if she could see the future. But she was just in her 60s, big gay, from DC, and confident and loud. I can still see the the look of dread and sorrow on her face as she said that to me, and I doubt I’ll ever forget it.

    Power typically begets more power, and the only way to fix it is to forcefully bend it to your will over and over again. I can’t believe Disney is where our trust is for civil rights, but, I guess it can always be worse and Disney knows that and is using us for support. It’s not great.

    Fuck spez.

    It’s like boomer sociopaths grew old enough in their time, and were like “yeah, ruin everything, yeah yeah”. But then millennial sociopaths grew old enough and are now like, “hold my coke…” Can we reign this shit in for the future generations at least? Because it’s awful.