
… Looking for a Lemmy instance to run to. The wrong-image thing is funny but I’m feeling pretty done with “Error” and never getting access to some commagazines even when they should be federated.

Meep :3
She/They, also transer than a box of transistors! wiggles transly
Very cute, but also weird and sometimes kinda sharp

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • Some fun stack-based concatenative language (like Forth or Min) :3 I like playing with odd/new-to-me things that change how I have to approach things in some way. … Also I wanna find a Forth community I can stand 😅 That or maybe a similar low-level language, I suppose. I was thinking of using it for a project but… eegh. Bleh. Et cetera. Still might, but purely on my own terms I guess.

    Also, more Haskell please >:3 Or something else like it. We must spread the glory of FP nerdery @.@ …And maybe get some more useful (and maintained) packages to work with instead of just kinda having to wonder what even builds any more v.v

  • Hrrrgghhh routers! The last two I’ve dealt with were a Netgear and an ASUS and… well, at least the ASUS got out of my way relatively quickly? SSH’d in and crammed it full of OpenWRT 😅Did the same to the Netgear but that one fought so hard to force me into using some admin-through-their-website kind of horsecrap that I hate. All’ the docs I wanted/needed were lies, BS, broken links, contradictory… it was a proper mess. I don’t want a singing, dancing bird-robot tweeting all night (to some corp’s servers), just gimme a damn router that’s mine!

    … I may be a little bit old-headed about some tech things <.< I guess things are moving on to “your own hardware as a service” now :-\

  • After more than thirty hours and hours of discussions with a friend who knows Pathfinder and stuff, I’ve finally beaten the first boss of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous!

    My character finally created, I got through the intro cutscene thingle, threw a dart, saved, and am in bed waiting to become asleep 🤣

    (The joke is that the character creation is so interesting, involved, and/or difficult that it counts as a boss fight just choosing a character class to start with 😅 Also yes it did actually according to Steam take me nearly forty hours to defeat said boss 😅)

  • Ooo, send them to me. I’ll fix 'em. I’ll tell them every detail of what’s got me fucked up latelish, every day, until they learn to stop asking.

    If you don’t want the most accurate answer I can come up with on a scale from “Kinda meh I guess” to detailed description of the last several things to really screw up my mood then do not ask me how I am 😅 No one’s ever going to do anything with this information, but I almost can’t help but answer basically whatever I’m asked. Maybe it’s a deep-seated drive to yap about myself at every opportunity.

    doesn’t look up at that paragraph Nah, I wouldn’t do that…

  • I think that’s just an excuse. Where are the bodies of all’ those religious-guys who are known for that? That keeps actually happening. I knew a guy in high school who was attacked by one and nobody cared. Others just get shifted around or ignored just the same; they’re all doing fine even if they have to move away for a bit. Our bodies get left in the street. We get the hate because we’re easy for them to torture, and when we die we’re easy for them to laugh at. Then they just find someone else to torture or kill, because we can’t leave. They won’t let us, because they don’t really want us gone. They’re just feeding a deep-seated cruelty some of them probably don’t even realize they have.

    I tried to find some sources but now I’m kinda sick. Turns out scrolling around looking at articles about people murdered for being like me can be bad for my mental state! Who knew!

    Edit to clarify some awkward wording. Still a lil weird but maybe less ambiguous, at least.

  • Who with any sense could respect this idea? “Oh no, those icky people are all going in there where I don’t have to see them! That’s somehow worse than the horrible, unbearable nightmare of having to see them in public!” People like that don’t want us gone, they just want to torture us for fun. I have a reasonable amount of rule-breaking things to say about anyone like that.

    … And of course it’s not people actually from there. City council voted this in but these garbage want to counter it from the state level, because screwing with more-local governance from above is totes cool when they do it. Then of course they’ll attack lower levels to counter anything insufficiently evil at a higher level, whatever it takes to get their way because evil must always get its way in this vile hell-world. (Not meant in any kind of religious sense, or whatever. Just… they’re fuckin’ evil)

    This shit’s exhausting.