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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 3rd, 2024


  • I’m in a US state that is known for actively suppressing black populations from voting in all sorts of ways, including the bogus voter ID laws. I’ll say it again, there was never a problem of voter fraud before voter ID laws, so they are a made up solution for a non-issue, designed to discourage minorities. You replied to me elsewhere “Just get an ID.” If things were that simple, then this tactic wouldn’t work and there wouldn’t be laws in place to try and control voting.

    The voter suppression is coming from the same ones who are selling the fix.

  • Some places have made or are trying to make that not valid. No, it doesn’t make sense until you realize that disrupting voting is all they have.

    As for Voter ID laws…if it’s true that you can show up with an ID that doesn’t match yourself and vote…almost seems like the Voter ID law isn’t necessary, and is an extra step thrown up to discourage people of certain demographics from voting. I say almost seems in jest, as that’s exactly why they (meaning Republicans in control of those areas) passed those laws. There never was voter fraud of any significance.

  • Would the main MAGA group shift to support her? I don’t think you can just switch out cult leaders like that. How would she do with policy vs. Harris? What would be fascinating is having a race where someone is going to be the first woman President, regardless, so that is removed from the reasons for voting for them - which it shouldn’t be…I want someone who can be a leader, period. And for what it’s worth, Trump could have been a leader (not a great one, but one still), he got a few chances during his term, even soft ball ones. And he failed them all.