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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Ideal is not the same, by any means, as PayPal. Read up.

    With ideal you loose your money. Ideal is made from the pov of the bank and the shop selling you stuff. Its almost impossible to claim your money back without the sellers consent.

    Tikkie is not the same as PayPal since tikkie only works with EU banks. (and quite possibly at this moment only NL banks) PayPal does not need a bank account. Its also not really a wrapper around ideal but thats another discussion. And mostly a semantic one so lets not go there.

    Effe wat meer moeite doen en de kleine lettertjes lezen medenedelander :)

  • Welcome to Holland, we’ve arranged good dikes, good infrastructure, social benefits and affordable healthcare for all.

    How do we pay for all of it?

    Yeah… You now know how. We pay a lot of tax. And I mean a lot. 17+ % VAT on everything. Cars have an extra tax called bpm of around 20%. So half the price of a car is tax. 1 litre (not a gallon!) of ron95? Over 2 euros. Etc. (because that’s not all)

    It’s fun.

    And thats why we are tall. Because if we weren’t we would drown in our taxes ;)

  • PC gaming is not here to stay. One day, someone, will finally do a cloud /saas streaming solution which works, which solves the latency and fidelity issues and which will be accepted and trusted by the masses.

    Hopefully that will be a Valve solution. Not Nvidia, MS, Google or Sony.

    From that moment on the client will not matter anymore and you will just stream it to your device and from there cast it to your big screen.

    Hopefully I’m full of shit and this will never happen. But I’m afraid I’m not.

  • Just watch that xkcd graphic my dude. Somebody else already linked it. It makes the issue very clear and is quite scientifically based.

    Yes, everything you said is factually true. That doesn’t mean your interpreting it all correctly. We not just accelerated it, we where strolling along the path of planetary heating and then decided to step aboard the Starship Enterprise and screamed: “MR SULU WARP FACTOR NINE, STAT!”

    We’re fucking with systems (planetary weather patterns) we can’t comprehend. And to solve it we again fuck with that system but now not by adding energy (heat) but by removing energy from it (wind, radiation)

    I think both will have issues. But for now removing lots and lots of energy from the system will greatly benefit us.

    In the end it will always come down to population control or going interplanetary as a species.

    More people on this planet, in this system will always mean more heat. Remove the excess from the system and it will find its equilibrium again.

    But… Removing the excess sounds nice but isn’t. Especially when you are deemed to be the excessive one.

    You want to know where global warming can lead to? Look no further then Venus.

  • I miss it daily.

    The discussions here always are the same, very leftist. There is only one side. Memes here are always overdone. Comics are always politicized. Everything is “eat the rich”, lhgtbq cant do anything wrong and lets not forget: fuck the police. Eating the rich has been tried before guys, several times. It didn’t work. People need leaders and these leaders will always benefit from it. Learn history before you try to make it. Or is it just jealousy?

    Just because youre lhgtbq does not automatically mean you’re right or have been wronged. Surely your identity is very important. As is mine. lets find some middle ground, ok?

    Police does fuck up, a lot. Do you have a solution instead of “all cops are evil” or is that just a catchy easy thing to say? And that brings me to the next one:

    The depth in discussion and the amount of objective (news) subjects here is lacking. Views are often shallow and if they aren’t they are cast in stone. Lemmy is unfortunately not usable for sharing and consuming knowledge. The depth isn’t there, the communities too small and it always devolves into you’re wrong because i say so. Or, if its IT, the knowledge just isn’t there or worse: people are not willing to share it, adding a you f-ing MS simp because why not. And that brings me, again, to the next:

    It’s also often a lot less cordial. Instead of discussing the “room” gets divided in friends and enemies. Name calling is normal. Its a lot darker here.

    Most of the times I don’t even check responses on my comments : I know what they say. Yeah buddy, fuck you too.

    Anyway, its fine. I use it daily. The use case isn’t the same though. And the experience is very different.

    I wouldn’t be here without Sync by the way. Without (stuff like) Sync the hassle would just not be worth it.

  • Im with the earlier “yeah… No.”


    “If people can take case-dependence for passwords”

    They cant now do they ? If they could passwords would be a-okay and there wouldn’t be any need for stickies on monitors, password managers, biometrics, SSO, MFA and passwordless authentication.

    The dumbest idea in computing is assuming everyone is as smart as you.

    They aren’t. Why isn’t *nix any bigger? Here’s your answer. People are stupid.

    Why did IT only finally took off with windows 3.11? because people could understand that. Barely. Most of us where way to dumb for everything which came before.

    Why does ipv6 acception takes so long? Because people are stupid and don’t get it. Nobody really gets hex. So they just stay with what they can read and more or less get. Even the hardest part of ip4, subnetting, has an easy way out: just add in there and it works. Doesnt work? Keep replacing 255 with zeros and eventually it will. Subnetting on ipv6? No idea. Let’s just disable ipv6 on the internal lan and leave everything on ipv4. Zero migration, zero risk, zero training needed.

    Why do so many companies only go half assed into cloud? Because they don’t get it.

    Powershell? Only half, a third even, of the admins truly get it.

    I could go on.

    Succes is build on simplicity.

  • Redredme@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    10 months ago

    What hamas did, what started this war, was absolutely unforgivable, horrendous and barbaric. It’s impossible to support that organisation in any way anymore.

    What Israel did which led to this over the last 10 years was stupid and very discriminatory. The amount of violence against the palistinian people during the last decade is well documented and inexcusable. Which could only lead to a violent reaction. (illegal settlements, violence against palistinians, discrimination, withholding electricity and water)

    The rise to (political) power of hamas was a, self defeating victory. It made the position of the palistinian people worse, not better.

    The return of Netanyahu, a convicted criminal if im not mistaken is baffling and unexplainable to any outsider.

    The position of the west in this whole mess should at least raise an eye brow of the voters of our democracies.

    Israels reaction to hamas’ horrific action is completely out of proportion and the attack on the hospital was very wrong in every way. The amount of “weapons” found there means nothing in a war zone. It’s quite possible that the weapons shown are personal sidearms of wounded palistinian fighters dropped off at the hospital.

    The Israeli involvement in Syria seems to be aimed at kicking syria while its down so it stays down. This helps current Israeli military security but it’s very short sighted.

    Israeli mossad actions (killings of scientist etc.) abroad (iran, etc.) while understandable from a military standpoint do not further the Israeli cause. Short term it increased Israeli military security but long term it has great repercussions. It eroded the trustworthiness of Israel to SA levels.

    Israel is on the stupid path for at least the last decade. Ditto Hamas. Hamas especially should be smarter since they’re clearly the less powerful of the two. Israel should be much smarter then this looking at the history of the Jewish people and their state.

    To me it seems nobody really red and understood the koran, the tanakh or the teachings of christ in whichever form.

    But they do use those as an excuse to kill each other. Which is weird.

    So… Putting this all together I can say nothing. Looking at it from western Europe i see a gigantic mess which can only end in tears and genocide. Nobody is willing to give in, so blood will continue to flow. Until there is none left.

    What I can say is: Pax Americana and the European stability will end, somewhere in the next century. While unfortunately for me personally as a European there are very clear markers all around us (if you want to see them, that is) that the current stability/status quo which exist since ww2 will not last.

    Israel should take that into account. Plan for a viable future without american and European support. I don’t see that. I only see very short term reactionary policies.