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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I think what we need to do to help alleviate some of the immigration issues is not to build a wall and keep them completely out, but to build a better gate. Our immigration system is broken and terribly understaffed, a lot of it is by design because people would rather have an issue to complain about rather thannsolve the problem.

    We need immigrant labor and a lot of folks need jobs, so we rework the system to provide more temporary work permits to begin with. There is a system to do this already, it is just woefully inadequate.

    Second, we set up a system where people aren’t necessarily instantly rejected for asylum at the border. That would keep a lot of people from having to cross the border illegally just to try to claim asylum (which is unfortunately the current process). At the border, anyone claiming asylum could be processed, a background check run and a preliminary determination before a judge. At that point, it could be determined if the person has family or some support system in the US and they can possibly be released with an ankle bracelet to that support, confined until the asylum verdict, or deported immediately if they fail a background check.

    This sort of process does three things.

    Allows tracking for more immigrants that are going through the asylum process legitimately.

    Allows legitimate migrant workers to be here legally which allows us to better track their whereabouts and deport them if needed. It also protects them from being abused by people who currently bring them over illegally. Keep in mind, lots of migrants like this just come here for a few months to work and then are happy to go back home.

    Cuts down on who is actually crossing the border illegally. If you provide mechanisms for people to work here legitimately, apply for asylum without illegally crossing the border, then the people who do illegally cross are going to be fewer and much more likely to be the people you really want to keep out.