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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • While there obviously are narratives in media, the Biden situation is very interesting to me. Biden is an 81 year-old man. The job he was in the running for is high stress and very important. The media reported on the obvious and completely understandable concerns that voters and politicians had with his candidacy. Given the enormous stakes for countries like mine, outside but influenced by the US, our media also reported on the very real confusion and concern that our citizens had. Trying to say it is some kind of hit job seems to massively oversimplify things.

  • I definitely understand the dynamics of that, and how policy and morality make center left voters more fractious than the right, who vote on dogma. What I was trying to say, is that were I an American, I would very much struggle to give my vote to someone who is pretty clearly a part of the process of atrocity and genocide. It’s a cold decision to have to make. Do I choose an accessory to one of humanities worst crimes, or another who would also commit that crime, as well as presenting further risks of accelerating the path of America toward becoming Iran, but with a cross instead of a crescent.

    I’m glad I’m not American, but I think I live way too close right now.

  • As a Canadian I don’t have to deal with it directly, but I don’t think I could cast a vote for Biden. Downvotes on these posts are strange to me. From outside the US it’s obvious that while Israel bears primary responsibility for the ongoing ethnic cleansing, it likely wouldn’t have developed so completely without the material, economic, and political support of the Biden administration. Simply telling a group that, sure this guy is cool with the elimination of your people and is willing to help, but the other guy is a threat to our system… well it’s pretty rich to expect that group to suck it up.

  • This is a little bit silly, that pretty clearly was a mistake, it also led to new ROE regarding the safety cordon around approved targets. Additionally Serbia was a combatant nation, that’s why embassies often evacuate nations involved in hostilities. Israel routinely attacks 3rd country targets, they struck with multiple weapons. Syria and Iraq are not parties to the current situation in Gaza. The idea that countries with governments or general population that are not in favour of the IDF massacre of civilians means almost every country is “involved” according to Israeli targeting doctrine.

  • Unfortunately that option has never been tested against a nuclear weapons state. That makes a huge difference. Iraq was a powerful regional military when they invaded Kuwait, a coalition of forces promptly rocked up and slapped the empire building off their face.

    When Russia invaded Ukraine the situation was similar in every way but one, Russia can respond to a catastrophic battlefield outcome with nuclear escalation.

    Israel both has nuclear capacity and has very little strategic depth. Whatever doctrinal tripwire they use to determine the deployment scenario for their nuclear deterrent could quickly be reached, meaning that moving in force to end the genocide is functionally impossible.

    Currently we would be able to tell that our governments are actively trying to intervene if we see sanctions starting to appear. Right now the Whitehouse can say what they want to damage control the situation, the US is actively providing political, economic, and material support to the activities of the IDF. If that stops, then you know they are trying to do something, until then, keep protesting.

  • There’s video of a destroyed patriot launcher as well. No point blaming the new command staff. The freeze on munitions by the republican party in the US has meant rationed fire by the UAF. Their casualties have climbed, and they have been steadily forced back. They are forced to push critical equipment forward to prevent the steady retreat from becoming a break in the line.

    Whether consciously or not the US Congress has given the Russian war effort a much needed boost. Artillery is the jab of the battlefield, once the ammunition runs out it’s all eye gouging and knees to the groin. Losses are inevitable.