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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 2nd, 2023


  • Um dawg I couldn’t even get into a game with a friend when we tried the other day because of the ‘OnCreateSessionComplete Delegate bWasSuccessful == False’ errors. I’m sure it’ll be fixed in time.

    Very true, I had heard that one popping up but for the live streams I saw it seemed to go away with time or at random.

    Fair enough to temper expectations, it is after all an early access title. They still seem to be handling things better than the ARK devs is all I was getting at. I literally have not been able to play it once, since purchase, outside of joining random public servers and having a uh… “Rust” ^(cough turboracism cough) type of experience if that makes sense.

  • You’d have a point, if the comparison wasn’t between a decade plus old game and one that released in the last week, as early access. ARK is genuinely one of the single worst experiences to try and get into, and has multi year long bugs that haven’t been touched.

    I haven’t bought Palworld, but you can actually launch the game, and join your friends in a few minutes tops. I have attempted to play with friends on ARK. Repeatedly. I have yet to actually do so, even after self hosting my own server on a couple occasions. IMO, this makes ARK as a title and game to play, completely worthless.

  • Not that you didn’t make the right call, but many of the longer software update “confirmations” (obviously they’re only worth something if they commit to that) happened around that time. Almost any android phone didn’t have more than a couple years of support, until very recently. Naturally, no brand is going to backtrack that far, especially for a completely new phone concept that they knew was going to have issues.

    Something can be said about that on its own, but first gen devices always carry first gen issues, and the news (both people and articles) of the time was very vocal about such. Personally I’m on the side of providing long software support, but not extending to hardware (in niche cases).

  • I feel like there’s a significantly higher number of bad takes on the negative side. Obviously the launch state of the game isn’t perfect or even good, but there’s people out there claiming all manner of shit. I’ve seen people downplaying it for sure, but the instances I’ve seen of that fit more of the:

    “Yea, not great and I only get XYZ fps, but I’m still having fun and I get to use the new tools so I don’t mind.”

    The people with negative things to say however… well I’m pretty sure about half the accounts posting that are either waffling back and forth (positive and negative) every comment, or are trying their best to spin the narrative that Paradox did this intentionally, for some reason. I don’t think they realise that a bad launch doesn’t help them make money in any way. It literally does not benefit them.

    The only reason it was launched as it is, is because Paradox made the gamble that enough people would be able to play and have fun. Those people would then be able to make videos or take photos of the new features and capabilities, which at least verifies for the people that can’t play, that the features are there. They aren’t just waiting for a less ugly CS1, there’s actual tangible improvements.

    I think it’s also worth mentioning that even today… CS1 runs like actual ass. I have a 3800x and a 3070, both overclocked, with 32gb of RAM. I still get shit FPS in it. I think at best, I get 80fps (excluding the 0-2000 pop phase) when theres <30k pop, and it goes down the higher that is.

    Thank you for coming to my TEDTalk, I ain’t no shill and the game still runs chunky. Hopefully most of these performance issues get dealt either sooner rather than later.

  • So, you just plain stupid or only illiterate? I didn’t say I voted for ANYONE, much less politicians specifically working with UBI. The only laughing stock around for miles so far is you, from what I can tell.

    I’m sure I could go on and on and on and on and on and on about how I didn’t say any of the shit you claim I did, but it’s pretty evident you would be none the wiser even if. You make a pretty good case for free healthcare though, I don’t need to be a US doctor to see how expensive your mental health coverage would be.

  • Very creative name calling. I’m certain that gets you very far in life. Also, even if UBI was implemented, I live in one the single most expensive cities in the world so UBI still wouldn’t fix our issues. And I didn’t claim it would. I believe its a worthwhile shot, and there’s some interesting progressions happening, if you would only spend 2 seconds of your time to look at them and decide for yourself if theyre viable or not.

    Also, when you’re “laughing your ass off” at people being unable to afford bread, why bother adding the conditional that UBI has to be in for that to be a thing? You can start laughing right this very second at all the people that can’t afford bread, without UBI! It matches your vibe almost 1-to-1.