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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • Not if you plan to rape the corpse, which this person apparently did.

    Well, sure, the other half of the joke is that the speaker is a literal psychopath, thus the Patrick Bateman. You don’t start reading a meme expecting it to be psychopathic.

    Also, I’m not sure you could call that the “plan” considering there was a 50% chance the speaker would have been dead at the end of the game.

    Sorry, that’s not an explanation, that’s a new joke.

    I’m pretty sure it is. Feel free to explain why it isn’t, and I’ll respond to that,

    And the way you “play” russian roulette is as a torture method with a prisoner. That’s where it comes from, and there is no established way to “play”

    Where are you getting this from? I have found absolutely no evidence to support this, and lots of evidence to the contrary. By all accounts, you take turns holding the revolver up to your own head of your own free will.

    If you think the players take turns shooting at each other, that seems to be a particular variant called Russian poker, and it’s depiction in media is relatively uncommon in my experience.

    it treats the woman as a prop on so many levels

    Yes, I don’t think anyone disagrees with you here. IMO, the rule of thumb is, “Would it be equally funny if the genders were swapped?”, and IMO, the answer is “yes” in this case, because the joke doesn’t rely on sexism.

    The woman in this story has no agency whatsoever

    Except for agreeing to play Russian roulette. Surely both parties were aware of the odds of their demise.

    even when she’s offering sex in the setup it’s just a weird incel fantasy that would never happen.

    And now we’ve arrived at the cringiest part of the meme. It’s a pretty lame setup that indeed relies on dialogue that would never happen IRL. I guess that’s why it’s a !lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world.

    Edit: on second thought, I have officially spent too much time dissecting this mid-tier garbage, and unless you can accept the fact that you misunderstood the premise of Russian roulette, I won’t be continuing this conversation.

  • Wait up, I just checked and you’re technically right - PTFE is definitely a PFAS. Dunno if it’s dangerous or frequently breaks down into dangerous PFAS, but FWIW I’ve long suspected that nonstick pans can’t be good for you. I’ve never seen a nonstick pan that doesn’t have a single scratch in anyone’s kitchen before.

    You could probably stand to improve the clarity of your arguments though haha

    People like you fucking disgust me. Either you’re willfully ignorant or maliciously so. Both are equally pathetic.

    Not gonna get very far talking to people like that. Lucky for you I empathize with your intentions,

  • This allows capital to exercise power over it and profit through it

    Of course it does… patent law as it stands goes hand-in-hand with capitalist economic systems. Patents are intended to incentivize investing in ideas. (That’s a lot of ‘i’s!)

    On the other hand, people who come up with ideas are workers, too, and a system devoid of any means to discourage/prevent parasitic engagement—wherein others reap the rewards of these workers’ labor—doesn’t seem like the opposite of capitalism, either.

    Edit: To be clear, I think current regulations need improvement, and am in no way defending patent trolls. If the intend goal of patent law does not align with its observed ramifications, the law should be changed.