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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I couldn’t agree more, I have no problem with charging for API use they paid to develop it so charging for it is more than fair enough, but setting the price at literally millions of dollars (for the likes of Apollo) is absolutely absurd and then giving the affected parties 30 days to figure out what the hell they were going to do is so dishonest and underhanded. And then spez’s completely out of touch comments basically calling us all idiots that are just going to fall into line because the lord says so was the smega sprinkles on the whole shit sundae.

  • I reckon there are two factors at work here, the profit imperative and enshitification. The profit imperative relates to how corporations have to make exponential profits every single year (and as we all should know you can’t have exponential growth in a finite system.)

    And enshitification is a result of the profit imperative, with all the corporations trying vainly to keep the profits rolling in they have to cut quality, be it through replacing ingrediants with inferior ones or pumping in the sugar so it’s harder to taste the wood chips, killing third party alternatives for viewing your site to keep all the ad revenue to yourself, putting out unfinished products and charging top dollar while treating your users as unpaid testers.

    Or any other of the million shitty practices corporations can think up to keep the economic perpetual motion going, it’s all going the same way in the end though because you can’t get blood from a stone and as a great man once said “You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”