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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • He had more than his view, he was instrumental in its creation and actively visited them.

    Indeed, Nazi propaganda must have strengthened their alliance as well.

    President Vlodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, condemned the embroidery marches, which had been conducted legally.

    I guess Nazi symbolic are not as regulated as they are in western-Europe and far from the strict rules in Germany.

    Do you know if neo-nazism forms a more significant part of the Ukrainian population than in other states, or has it been much more highlighted because of the invasion?

    It is sad to see these nazi, xenophobic and extreem right parties flourishing over Europe. All the polarising issues playing now, with a large amount of disrupters and disinformation do not tend to bring people in harmony.

  • I completely agree, we should not applaud these people, not parade them and of course nationalism often leads to more harm than good.

    Of course, Himmler had his view on the group, and like you said, and is mentioned on the wikipage, many joined for other reasons, like independence. The group itself has never found guilty for war crimes, this again does not mean this hasn’t happened.

    The parade in 2010 is really… bad and strange. Makes me wonder who allowed it. This was prior to the Mayday revolution, under a Russian aligned president.

    Again, I am not saying joining the SS for other reasons than the extinction of jews is justified, but people take their opportunity when it arises in a direction they think is right.

    Thanks for the insight on the other options in the form of the Galicians. Could the reason for them (the Ukrainian section of the SS) joining the Nazis be, that they could be better equipped as a part of a war machine, rather than as a resistance group?

  • I think this is the most overlooked aspect, besides it never being in time to do any good for the crisis we are in now.

    I believe, the increasing cost and loss in efficiency compared to alternatives will always be an issue for NE to be out-priced by solar and wind (Dunai, 2019; WNSIR, 2022). These cost will eventually come back to the end user.
    Most definitely the reason why nuclear advocates want the government to give securities and don’t dear to be the entrepreneurs they claim to be (NOS Nieuws, 2018). Please give me some welfare state, but I’d rather have some more solid solutions.

    Costs. Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) analysis by U.S. bank Lazard shows that between
    2009 and 2021, utility-scale solar costs came down 90 percent and wind 72 percent, while
    new nuclear costs increased by 36 percent. The gap continues to widen. Estimates by the
    International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) has seen the LCOE for wind drop by
    15 percent and solar by 13 percent between 2020 and 2021 alone. IRENA also calculated that
    800 GW of existing coal-fired capacity in the world have higher operating costs than new
    utility-scale solar photovoltaics (PV) and new onshore wind (WNSIR, 2022).

  • To be honest, the gestures for notification center and control center are terrible. At times I am still doubting which one does which, and control center should be way easier to reach (and I am on a mini), reachability requires too many steps and reaching for the top left is quite a stretch.

    I think a combination of both of them like Android is a better option.

  • I was all in on the ecosystem when I was a few years younger, than I started to care about privacy, and although Apple might be good compared to it’s direct competitors, I don’t trust mega corps with all my data, nor do I support that tendency.

    Also, I think it is good to not be too deep in their applications as a lot is proprietary and when you’d decide to move, they can’t be exported and used between services.

    I still use their devices (phone + laptop), as I find it hard to change them, even if I think Android looks better these days (I don’t want to switch to Google services for example and with LineageOS I can’t use key applications), yet I use a minimal amount if their services (Apple Music (TV is included in a student offer), iTunes to buy movies. But stay away from iCloud in favour for open source alternatives and flexibility.