• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • I can kind of answer this question. For a year, I worked at a big box store where you can “save big money”. They had periodic training and one of the modules was on their store card.
    The question was, “Why do we want people to have our card?”
    I replied, “Because we don’t have to pay the standard processing fees.”
    “No, it’s because of loyalty. If they have a [big box store] card, then they’re much more likely to spend their money here instead of [competitor].”

  • I’m not necessarily looking for a magic bullet solution. It’s more this is not really a solution at all. All it is, is just treating a symptom. And rather poorly at that.
    Also, even if we did move forward with this, how are we going to increase the reflectivity? And where? The only viable option is to paint roofs white since it can significantly reduce cooling costs in the summer. But outside of that, there’s no realistic option.
    There is also the fact that trying to reflect the light back into space means reflecting it through the atmosphere a second time, giving it a second opportunity to heat it even further.
    And a giant space mirror is not practical either. The resources that would go towards that could have easily gone towards more effective solutions on the ground.

    Significantly more effective solutions would be to reduce our reliance on cars in western countries (simply switching to EV’s is not enough); switch to greener power sources like wind, solar, and nuclear; redesigning our products to last longer and to be more repairable; etc.
    If you want something a bit more direct to donate to and support, you could check out environmental programs. I, myself, donate to Mossy Earth. They focus on rewilding and re-establishing ecosystems throughout the world. They also have a Youtube channel where they post about their projects along with updates. If Mossy Earth isn’t your thing, I know there are many other groups out there with like-minded goals. Find those groups and support/join them if you can.

  • Sadly, I don’t. I pretty much looked online for a recommended temp for my soldering iron, picked a tip that seemed appropriate, and slowly desoldered it.
    Pro tips: get a tool to hold the circuit board for you. I didn’t have one when I did it and it was a pain the ass. And actually dangerous because you have your fingers working near a very hot piece of metal.
    Also the switches are connected by 3 rather spaced solder points. You’ll have to balance heating all the solder points to keep it soft, and then use a pair of tweezers to slowly wiggle the switch out.
    Putting the new switch in is easier. Just need to make sure you orient it correctly and make sure it isn’t misaligned. Or else it might not click right. Thankfully it’s not hard to line up.