• 2 Posts
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: May 5th, 2024


  • If you have a way of getting unlimited free ice (unlimited free cold water also works), you can run it through a radiator. Get a radiator of any kind, get a water pump and find a way to run the water in the bucket through the radiator. Put the radiator in front of a fan. As long as there is cold water running through the radiator, it will produce at least some cooling. Just don’t think you can create ice in the same room you’re trying to cool, a fridge generates more heat than the cold it produces. This barely works whenever I have to do it but it is better than nothing and it can make a difference if you just need the room to be a little cooler so you can sleep.

    The entire problem with this is that ice or cold water is a really shit form of cooling and the only thing that’s any better is… Compressor a/c. Peltier plates look good on paper but once you hook them up to a heat transfer system, you’d be surprised how useless 500 watts worth of peltiers are for transferring heat. Swamp coolers only work on the desert. Ammonium nitrate can generate cold when it gets dissolved into water but the only way to make a sustained cooling system out of that involves boiling the water to get the ammonium nitrate back so you can reuse it so fuck that.

    Alternatively, scientists invented some kind of metal that gets cold when you bend it but good luck figuring out how to make that.

  • I’m a die hard Microsoft hater. I haven’t had windows installed on a pc in years. With that being said I use visual studio code because it’s kind of the only text editor that does code completion in the capacity that it does. I can take a class name, type a “.” after it and a scroll view opens up shows every accessible member of that class along with comments and information about all the variables. The amount of time this saves is so huge I don’t even know how you would quantify it. Nothing else has code completion that even comes close to being that good.

    Do non visual studio code users just have to memorize every single function, parameter and return type in their code base? Yeah you can always read the documentation, sure you can always dig through the source code to figure it out every time you forget what data type a parameter is but that takes valuable time.

    If they ever put visual studio code behind a paywall or stop making it for Linux, I’m going to be forced to either switch to windows (which I never will under any circumstances) or make a custom made ripoff clone of that entire intellisense code completion system and hack it into whichever open source text editor I deem is the next best thing.

  • Another part of it is the gpu bios. The gpu bios contains x86 opcodes that it expects the host system to run for gpu-specific functions like video mode switching and probably lots of other stuff. I know that Vesa bios extensions mode switching requires a pointer to the functions in the gpu bios which the cpu runs. I tried to make a platform independent Vesa driver one time and couldn’t figure out how to circumvent using the gpu bios for it since the functions you’re supposed to call are compiled for x86. Even the well-refined projects like Seabios still rely on the VBE pointers for non-legacy video modes.

    Legacy vga does also has a bios but it’s relatively not that difficult to circumvent using the bios on legacy vga cards, only issue is that legacy vga modes are mostly useless.

    I think there’s a newish way of doing this stuff that doesn’t involve Vesa or legacy vga but I don’t know what it is. This I’m sure is only one of the many problems that have to be overcome if someone wanted to hack a 1080ti onto a raspberry pi or something.