I believe this is actually a myth, post-hoc reasoning to explain away a shitty design
I believe this is actually a myth, post-hoc reasoning to explain away a shitty design
My GTI had triple-square bolts for the seats. The bolts were maybe 1/2" diameter, and I was able to comfortably get a lot of torque on them. Weird design though, and can’t imagine it holding up on smaller, softer screws
Lost/reduced wages from time off work, and health insurance doesn’t cover everything.
I have a Mazda CX-5. The track seek buttons are counterintuitive IMO, and the Adaptive Cruise distance buttons are too.
Next track is UP, previous track is DOWN. Not like going down a list.
Adaptive Cruise control is UP to increase distance, DOWN to decrease. This seems like it would make sense, but I would prefer it the other way. UP to get closer, DOWN to pull back the distance
If You’re Armed At The Glenmont Metro Please Shoot Me