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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 1st, 2023


  • I cancelled Prime as soon as I got this email. It was set to renew in February so perfect timing. I also sent them an email to provide some feedback about the change:

    I cancelled my membership as soon as I received notification that you would be including ads to a PAID streaming service. I cannot believe that you think asking for more money per month to have an ad free experience is ok. The world is going to shit because of greedy corporations like you. I hope you go bankrupt and Jeff Bezos goes looking for the Titanic in a poorly made submarine.

  • And where will that get me? She is not like the person the OP described. She brushes off that kind of feedback, it’s not something she even realises she’s doing wrong. It’s her personality.

    She’s had complaints brought up against her and was passed up for promotions many times. It’s never changed the way she acts. The thought doesn’t even cross her mind that she is being passed up for promotions because of her social skills. We can’t have a manager saying the kinds of things she does, bad enough she’s a supervisor.

  • This is very relatable to me. A supervisor in my team has Asperger’s. She has zero social skills. Says very unprofessional things, interrupts conversations and completely changes the topic to something nobody cares about. She is a hoarder and has way too many dogs/cats, her hygiene isn’t the best.

    Most of us have worked together for 5+ years and have learned to ignore it as much as possible. It’s clear that she’s not doing this on purpose and doesn’t realize how annoying/rude she can be. I don’t really have a solution for you. This is just something you learn to live with. It’s still very annoying and frustrating to deal with but I don’t think there’s any solution that wouldn’t negatively impact her.

  • I actually made this 2-3 months ago, saw the picture in my photos today and decided to post it. I usually just wing it when I cook so can only really give you a rough idea. I remember this being one of my favorite pasta dishes I’ve ever made/tried.

    1. Put oil into pan and sautee onions/garlic.
    2. Add butter, once melted add flour to make a roux. (I would suggest a light or medium roux here)
    3. Add heavy cream/milk a bit at a time until you reach the right consistency. Not too thick but not too thin.
    4. Grated parmigiano reggiano and pecorino romano a bit at a time making sure it incorporates properly.
    5. Add tomato sauce. I usually just use what I have on hand, think this time I used strained tomatoes. (I personally don’t like it when it tastes too much like tomatoes so I don’t put much.)
    6. Season and taste the sauce. Salt, pepper and parsley.
    7. Once pasta is cooked al denté, mix into sauce.
    8. For this dish I grilled the sausages separately, added them on top of my pasta, grated more parmesan on top then baked it for a bit.

    I’ve learned over the years that the best food isn’t always complicated. It uses good quality ingredients that compliment eachother. Trust me when I say that using authentic parmigiano reggiano and pecorino romano make a world of difference. I also used fresh parsley from my garden.

    Let me know if you have any questions!