oh, okay random Internet person, whatever you say 👍👍
oh, okay random Internet person, whatever you say 👍👍
The people fighting to defend Palestinians from their imminent ethnic cleansing are a “cancer”, but the same is not said for the occupying nation committing the cleansing.
claims to be a free thinker
Parrots the most common opinion in western society
claims others are brainwashed instead
There’s that classic homophobia, always juuuust below the surface, all it takes is a little scratch for it all to come flowing out 😌
incredible amounts of nazi-treat-defending in this thread. wish I could say I’m surprised but, of course, I’m not.
massive deposits of lib cope in the comments, we can keep the copium factory working at max capacity for years at this rate. keep up the good work!
It’s the shooting part that’s the problem you sack of shit, it’s the using food as bait for a death trap that’s the problem, you fucking cretin