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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • It’s hard to convince people to bother and to care or participate when a bunch of rich aristocrats run the circus, everything from the news to the courts have been corrupted to the point where money and power have practically become synonymous words and now democracy is on the line - so if they want things to change now’s the last chance to make a difference.

  • In short the rich folk have the country over a barrel due to FPTP-voting and a lack of campaign financing subsidies. This scheme was designed by ancient wealthy romans for the benefit of ancient wealthy romans and it’s not a coincidence this form of democracy is the one America seeks to deliver upon the rest of the world.

    Literally it’s called “the great experiment” because it’s failed before and will fail again if not allowed to evolve and advance into a form with better representation and where wealth doesn’t dictate everything happening.

    The greatest driver of violence, crime and corruption is wealth-inequality, it’s no coincidence unions and such worse are branded as communism and criminal behavior by the plutocrats running the country, unite and demand change!