Just an UwU boi living in an OwO world

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • As much as it pains me to say it, I agree and am annoyed at the amount of “no, fuck Google” in response. I agree, fuck Google, but not because they’re charging for a service so good that we all use it, fuck Google for its heavy user tracking of paying users. I understand it costs immensely to host the sheer amount of data that they do, and they still allow creators to have a portion of what’s made from each video. Don’t get me wrong, I’m all about sticking to the man and all that, but to want a website that provides the same service without any costs involved is unreasonable. Peertube is the closest solution we see, and there are still costs involved for anyone hosting a server. I hate that YouTube is our only real option and I’d love something different, but they already have all of our content, and ultimately, they’re fairly reasonable with their demands (pay for our service or watch our ads). The amount of user tracking they do is what’s unacceptable to me, but that’s across all of their products, and I would love to see some enforcement of minimum required data.

  • Ah, well my apologies, I made the incorrect assumption that it was. I’m headed to bed at the moment, so I apologize for the short explanation, I’ll try to come back with better facts and sources, but the short of it is that when you use a VPN, you’re effectively shifting trust from your ISP to your VPN provider. Trust that your data is not being mishandled, misused, is secured, and is not being used for further profits. If a VPN provider logs heavily and has a police raid or a subpoena, your data is still freely accessible. In all fairness, in using NordVPN, your traffic is still encrypted over the network, further securing you from attacks, but they tend to lean very log-heavy, and if I remember right, have had some security issues in the past, though don’t quote me on that, I want to come back more researched. Generally speaking, the consensus on Lemmy has been in favor of Mullivad since they log nothing and can even take anynomous payment, on top of being a very affordable VPN. Sorry again for my incorrect assumption regarding sarcasm, I’m used to a lot of hardcore privacy nerds on here. You’re better off with NordVPN than without is the fact of the matter, and good on you if you’re making use of it 😁