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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • The basis for the suit is in the title of the article. Most of these big suits against administrative agencies boil down to anticipation of speculative future injury as a result of agency action. This is part of the modern conservative playbook to destroy the administrative state by undermining one of the most longstanding precedents in administrative law, Chevron deference. The Supreme Court is already set to deliver an opinion which may water down or completely destroy Chevron deference in this cycle (Loper Bright Enterprises v. Raimondo). Settled law doesn’t matter when it’s convenient to a conservative majority.

  • If you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, I think something hearty like a braise would go nicely with the weather. I recently braided some short ribs in stout and some homemade beef stock and it turned out wonderfully. I had it with some simple roasted veg with balsamic condiment drizzled over and mashed potatoes, so that the reduced braising liquid could do double duty as a sort of gravy. If you’re in the Southern Hemisphere though, I think a fancy salad would be a good way to beat the heat.

  • Balsamic condiment. I hadn’t realized just how much I was missing out on with more diluted balsamic vinegars. It’s a completely different experience, which is great because balsamic vinegar still has its place in my heart for things like salad dressings. I couldn’t even comprehend the balsamic + vanilla ice cream people until I’d splurged (slightly) on a mid grade balsamic condiment.