One day the USA will get a president that has more to offer than not being his opponent.
One day the USA will get a president that has more to offer than not being his opponent.
The Fediverse feels a lot like the old Reddit from 10+ years ago , but I suspect that once it becomes mainstream the shills and bots will move in and ruin it like they ruined Reddit.
On 4chan that would not even be an insult . 4chan can be far far more creative than that.
Reddit was pretty much a shell of its former self before the third party app scandal, it was just the straw that broke the camel’s back , but before that there was a litany of mistakes and bed decisions that killed all the fun that reddit used to be the host of.
Most Gazans were not alive when Gaza last had an election.
One thing I will not miss is the self important super moderators who patrol the site flexing on anyone as they act as self appointed guardians of morality , always ready with a script to mass ban someone who displeases them from hundreds of subreddits for the most petty of reasons , such as disagreeing with them and worse , being provably right.
There are already people denying it ever happened , this why it is needed.
Hamas , since killing civilians was not collateral damage for their plan on oct 7 , it was sanctioned and approved by every level of the Hamas command structure as an objective of their attack.
Hunting down children with machine guns will directly result in children dying.
Purging the images off social media will make it easier to deny that the atrocities ever happened. Keep them there in all their gory uglyness , perhaps put a spoiler tag over them to prevent someone with a feeble constitution from accidentally stumbling onto them and accidentally being triggered , but leave them there as evidence of the evil that happened.
If you know how to code and you audit the code and compile it yourself from the source code ? Then it is 100% safe.
If the program is from a well regarded community and the source code is easily accessible to the public and it has been regularly reviewed by experts ? Then it is pretty safe.
If the program is from an unknown source and the source code is difficult to access by the public or it is obfuscated and no reviews are available? It is probably better to give it a miss and keep looking for a program that is more trustworthy which suits your needs.
End result? Civil rights legislation and the end of Jim Crow Laws. He did die though, but all his immediate goals were accomplished and significant progress was made on his major goals and he is a hero to millions.
If Putin were to say Biden was a great guy would that make Biden a traitor? No. Putin is full of shit and he is setting out to create as much trouble as he can to destabilize the western powers who he views as his enemies.
Or ask the British empire in India in 1947… Peaceful protests won them their independence and started the ball rolling for decolonialization worldwide.
There is also a danger that the kill switch command could be leaked to the Russians or the Chinese who would use it to shut down the USA’s defenses just before a full scale invasion of a now defenseless USA.
Reddit is nothing but a bunch of violent thugs , I had the sheer nerve to suggest non-violent passive resistance might be a viable form of protest and I was met with wave after wave of hateful responses and a downvote brigade.
There are tons of titles that do not make reference to gender.
Doctor , The Right Reverend , The Reverend , The guru swami I am all right Jack bugger the rest of you thanks gee , The honorable , The Right honorable , Your Grace , Your Honor , Your Holiness , Your majesty , Their Infernal Majesty supreme overseer of the pit of wailing souls and lost left thongs…
Tom Scott did a video on this , it is quite informative .
They are not going to run out of addresses , and Alphabet (google & friends) who owns youtube has massive server farms , so storage is unlikely to ever be a problem.
As long as users from allied instances can still post it is all good.
Term limits for congress and the senate are also needed , make it so that you can not serve more than 2 terms in any state or federal office. This would reduce the influence of career politicians and allow fresh ideas to be tried.