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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 11th, 2023

  • I feel you, my problem is that I switch between languages too much. I’m learning rust right now as a hobby, but I’m technically a frontend dev with years of experience in angular and react, and a couple months ago I have been put on a legacy rails project, which we’re rewriting for Angular x Java stack (thankfully my roommate is a Java backend dev, he’s been a lot of help) and on top of this I maintain my Cyberpunk 2077 mods written in lua, c++ and redscript (swift-like).

    Send help.

  • I’m completely aware of the financial issues YouTube is facing, but they got themselves into this mess (and most other companies as well, who provide a service for “free”). They make users accustomed to a level of service, build a userbase and ride on investments with the expectation that they’ll figure out how to make money when they reach mass adoption.

    The fact that youtube premium took years to even conceptualize is a massive failure on their part. Or how 1080p+ video wasn’t a paid feature to begin with. Making your users get used to a level of service, then making their experience more miserable and selling a solution to the problem they made does not bode well with people who have been on the platform before “things turned to shit”.

    It also doesn’t help that the first course of action was to increase the amount of ads, increase retainment, “enshifficate” the platform in order to increase the time people spend on the site (=more ad revenue). Now I’m at a point that I can’t use YouTube without uBlock, sponsorblock, return youtube dislikes and Revanced (includes the latter two extensions for mobile), turning useless features off (or with the case of dislikes, back on) and stopping the bombardment of ads.

    Youtube premium would still provide me with a worse experience, so why would I switch? They should figure out how to provide people additional value for their money, and shouldn’t have accustomed people to a level of service that they 100% knew wouldn’t be sustainable.

  • This is fake (like all of these conversation screenshot posts, welcome to the internet, where have you been) and what makes it funny is the fact that it’s fake. If a man posted it as “I’ve got harassed by X and this is my story” the majority would react similarly to you (some ppl would still be haha funny as we can see from actual sh/sa posts and those people can go fuck themselves). But it isn’t, we all know it’s fake, we all laugh about the absurdity of it and that’s it.

  • A more accurate description would be: she bought herself those things knowing she will never use them and most likely going to be amortized when we finally leave and the next “rentoid” comes in, needing replacement anyway. She doesn’t raise our rent despite the market and our contract allowing her to do so.

    Regarding maintenance think about issues like replacing broken hinges, changing an amortized shower head, replacing sealing rings in our sink drain etc. So far (in 2,5 years) never had any actual big issue which we couldn’t fix ourselves, but if that were the case we would call a technician and send her the invoice.

    In our country our situation is a little different. Our government introduced a package which was supposed to help families build or buy homes, giving a large sum of money without having to pay it back, and giving the same amount of money again with extremely low interest rates. This has caused housing prices to double in a few years. But it didn’t just affect the housing market, it affected everything that you might buy for a new home (building materials themselves, furniture, appliances etc) because one of the conditions of this package is to renovate, build or buy a relatively newly built house/flat. For example the bed she bought was literally the same I had at home, and its price tripled (I reiterate, fucking TRIPLED) over a couple years. Other factors like the pandemic and the war have also affected the market.

    Due to being the #1 country with the highest inflation in the EU (yay!) interest rates also skyrocketed, which makes it pretty much impossible to buy a house/flat anymore with the inflated prices. This has caused an insane increase in the number of people who want to rent, there was a time where barely any flats were available on housing websites. The market reflected the increased demand, people started giving out rooms, renovating old homes to allow parts of it to be rented, people with a lot of money started building apartment houses, etc. And of course the prices (after “rentoids” sucked up the market) were going to be higher to reflect the higher demand.

  • Our landlady is pretty cool. If we want to buy something that can be an addition to the flat (like furniture or appliances or something) she gladly pays for it. So far in two years she paid for our coffee machine, rice cooker, balcony table and chairs, living room rug, and a new bed in my room. Downside of course is that if we move these have to stay, but honestly it’s such a good place for about half the market value that we’re not planning to do it any time soon. And of course if there’s any maintenance required, we just send her a photo and a link with a price to a part that needs replacing or supplies that need to be bought and she pays for it, and I guess she’s glad she doesn’t have to pay for a technician, we just do it ourselves.