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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • I think he does some intentional lying, and he says false shit believing that it is true, but most of what he says is bullshit. And I mean bullshit in the sense that he neither knows nor cares whether it’s a true statement, he just knows that it’s helpful to his goals in the moment, therefore he says it. When he talks about over 20M illegal immigrants entering this year, it’s impossible for him to know a number on that since it obviously isn’t tracked, but I’m sure that it doesn’t matter what the actual number is at all. He just pulls out a big number to scare racist people into getting upset enough to come and vote for the guy who says that it needs to stop, which is him. He doesn’t care that it’s not an accurate number, and because he doesn’t know the real number for sure then it’s impossible to prove that he knows that it’s not actually that number and therefore not a certain lie per se. He gets all of the benefit of lying without any of the attached accountability. He bullshits.

  • Cool. You are accepting my statement that what you are doing and saying is pushing to help the more authoritarian option to win, and your complaint is that I’m not nice about disagreeing with you. I would happily disagree with a general conservative, but you are posing as a supposed leftist who is arguing in good faith on behalf of workers. But you’re not. You’re full of shit, you’re aware of it, and you’re admitting to attempting to bamboozle unsuspecting people, and you’re upset that I don’t have kind words in calling you out for it. I don’t feel the need to be tolerant of the intolerant, and your entire philosophy seems to be all about muddying the waters to help a fascist into power to limit the freedoms of my friends, my family, and people I don’t know but care about nonetheless. So kindly fuck right off.

  • I will proudly support third parties

    You could’ve just stopped there. This is all anybody needs to see to know that nobody should listen to you. In our shitty first past the post system, all this does is pull frustrated people away from the mostly reasonable but imperfect choice. You’re either clueless or intentionally attempting to dissuade people from voting for democrats in order to help trump to win. In this system, a third party candidate cannot fucking win. There is no actual “blue maga” for you to whine about. Stop spreading bullshit. I’m glad your username is so stupid that it’s easy to see on its face that your account’s entire existence is predicated on sowing division or you might actually have a chance at convincing some people. Unfortunately for you, most of the people on lemmy are smarter than the people on reddit. If you actually cared about defending American democracy, you’d shut the fuck up instead of saying this dumbass bullshit that serves only to dismantle what crumbs of democracy we have left, whether your sabotaging words are intentional or not. If you keep posting this braindead shit, then I’ll know for sure that you just want more fascism than we already have. So for the love of all that you are at least claiming to hold dear, shut the entire fuck up about this. Yes, capitalism bad, so actually maybe let’s not hand the country over to donald fucking trump, famous asshole criminal capitalist.

  • You might be right, but what’s silly is that you think companies wouldn’t do everything in their power to not reduce pay to both workers and the government at the same time. And they do. In fact, they lobby endlessly to lower their taxes as well as keep wages low, loosen regulations, dismantle the power of unions, roll back labor rights, and take away voting power of the people who would vote against their interests. You need to understand that the entire motivation of these companies is to maximize profit at all costs. “If you’re going to lose the money anyway” is not something they have ever or will ever accept. That’s like assuming that you accept that you will never eat another scrap of food ever again. Your survival depends upon it, and when access to it is threatened, you will lie and cheat and steal as much as is necessary to ensure your survival.

    If the government taxed businesses at a higher rate and used that increased revenue to improve the quality of life and access to opportunities for all, I’d say that that’s a much better use of that money. We’ve tried taxing businesses less in hopes of having anything other than piss trickle down to the workers. That’s how we got here. Productivity has boomed, yet wages have stagnated and people are struggling to get by. It’s time to stop propagating broken bullshit-ass Reaganomics and start advocating for your fellow human to be able to afford access to the bare minimum of food, shelter, and medical care. The GDP of the US is over $25 TRILLION. So why in the blue fuck are people still freezing and starving to death in this country? Unacceptable.

  • The amazing economy that these MAGA people dream of getting back to can be largely attributed to two things. The first is lots of manufacturing, which the CHIPS Act is a step in the right direction towards, but is impossible to ever really get back to ever since Nixon opened the door to China as a trade and manufacturing superpower in the 70s, and companies decided to lower costs by sending manufacturing over there. The second is a MUCH higher business tax rate. At one point, it was 91%. I’m not saying that that’s the correct rate in the modern economy, but 28% ain’t shit. Raise it to 40% at least, and then use that additional revenue to get everyday Americans’ heads above water.

    I’m an extremely lucky 35-year-old American white guy, married with no kids or pets, denied ourselves several comforts and luxuries, and I’m still just now at a point where I’m trying to buy my first home. I have almost every advantage possible, and I’m still over ten years behind my parents’ generation. That shit ain’t right. Help us, the people.

  • For my entire lifetime, there’s been an obvious trend of Republicans absolutely fucking the economy and then Democrats cleaning up the mess. Anybody who trusts trump more than Harris in this topic is incapable of pattern recognition, even if trump were “one of the good ones” if you believe such a thing exists. It just so happens that he is particularly terrible on every topic, including the economy, but even if he weren’t, any modern Republican would still be poison for the American economy.

  • Excellent question. I think the answer is that the people who choose such things are thinking more about election strategy than job performance. And while I think this is not an issue with anybody who would vote for Harris in the first place, the people making the choice might think that Buttigieg’s sexuality hurts election chances? Or maybe because he has young kids at home that he might want to be there for? Idk, I thought he didn’t have enough experience when he ran for president, but Biden fucking nailed it by making him Secretary of Transportation. He’s killing it and developing much-needed political capital and federal experience to the point that I think he’s ready now. He’ll have his turn very soon, I’m pretty sure. Potential presidential nominee in 32.