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Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Are they genuinely trying to stifle education, or is it all just racist bullshit?

    That’s the fun part: stifling education is the racist bullshit.

    They’ve been anti-education since desegregation. Back in the ‘60s the Religious Right, particularly Oral Roberts, Jerry Falwell, and the people in that orbit, tried really hard to go through the courts and use their freedom of religion under the First Amendment to keep black people out of their church-based schools. Obviously they lost, but they have never forgotten how the mean ol’ federal government defiled their perfect little angels by forcing them sit next to some filthy negro while they learn their multiplication tables or whatever. Ever since then they’ve made it their mission to destroy public education.

    By the 1980s that Evangelical movement had become fully ingrained into the Republican party, and that drive to destroy public education came with it. It’s what’s behind the push for charter schools. It’s what’s behind the push for private school vouchers. It’s what’s behind Evangelicals astroturfing school board meetings, and sometimes taking over the school board itself. It’s a big part of why public schools (inner city public schools in particular) have been chronically underfunded for longer than I’ve been alive. It was racism the whole time.

    But yeah, whenever I hear a conservative use the word “woke,” I’ve found you can pretty much always mentally transpose “woke” with “ni–er stuff” (or “fa–ot stuff,” depending on the context) and whatever they’re trying to say suddenly makes a lot more sense.

  • I don’t think it’s idiocy. I think it’s cruel people who delight in doing cruel things. And when a guy like Trump, who has managed to use cruelty to get rich and powerful, comes along and gives them permission to fully indulge their cruellest instincts, makes them feel like it’s right and good, they’ll follow that person straight into hell. They’re so excited to finally be able to go out and hurt all the people they don’t like that there really isn’t any line they’re not willing to cross anymore, no moral they’re not willing to betray, to finally get that.

    I don’t even refer to Evangelicals as Christians anymore. They are two different things at this point. If you look at modern Evangelical doctrine and compare it to the ministry Jesus laid down in the Gospels, they are just about as polar opposite as you can get while still name-checking Jesus. I don’t think it’s useful to conflate them anymore because real Christianity, using the actual words of Jesus, might be one of the few effective ways left to argue against all this Evangelical nonsense. I’m honestly surprised that the Christians with real faith aren’t already out there doing it.

  • No, that’s what they’re doing. If you’ve ever heard it said of conservatives, “every accusation is a confession,” this is a pretty prime example. It’s a lot easier to convince people to do some gnarly shit if you can pretend that the same gnarly shit is already being done to them.

    Like, running a successful grift isn’t about convincing your mark that your dubious proposition is above board. They can pretty much always tell something shady is going on. To con someone successfully you convince them that, yes, something shady is going on, but that shady thing is actually working in their favor. You have to convince them that shadiness is the trick that’s going to let them get one over on everyone else.

    Nobody wants to live under a dictatorship. Literally nobody. But if you can trick them into believing they’re already living in one, well then installing your own suddenly gets a lot easier. “Look, you’re already getting grifted. But if you put us in power and let us run our grift, our grift is going to benefit you this time. We promise.”

    It won’t, though. It never does.

    It might finally give conservatives clear permission to go out and hurt the people they don’t like, though. And that might be enough for a lot of them.

  • Same for me too. Reddit, for all its other faults, is still just about the only place you can still get candid opinions on products in a place where it’s discussed by a large group with a deep knowledge base. Especially with niche things like fountain pens, goodyear-welted boots, and stuff like that.

    Not sure how long that’s going to last though. The search engines are already hip to that trick, and even in just the last few months I’ve noticed a change in how many Reddit links I get vs product links when I add Reddit to my search query. Reddit is hip to it too, and with recently becoming a publicly traded corporation they’re probably going to wring every last cent out of that until every post mentioning a product is a bot-infested sewage fire like everything else.