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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • We’re gonna have some 3rd party candidate votes, we always do, and most of those people are already dug in for their candidate; likely nothing to be done about that. I know I was in my Ron Paul, Bernie Sanders days. I voted for Nader once or twice and couldn’t have my mind changed.

    At this point, many of the fence sitters will likely not vote at all, debate or not. It’s very easy for people to be meh about the whole thing. It doesn’t directly impact them in the short term directly, at least in their minds. And I get it. Life can be hard, and many people have more pressing concerns than who the president is at the moment.

    Nearly everyone else who will vote is already solidly Trump or Harris, and maybe a few Kennedy folks.

  • I’ve always hated the phrase “bad actors.” It’s a meaningless descriptor.

    The two sides do not operate the same, necessarily, or hold the same views. But both are oppressive and corrupt in their own ways. It’s not even debatable.

    I’m firmly in the D liberal camp, but I don’t lie to myself that those Ds in power actually give a shit about me or people like me. Their interests are in securing their own money/power structure. Sure, sometimes that trickles down to help us common folk, but it’s just an accidental side effect.

    I’ll definitely vote like lives depend on it, but, unfortunately, how folks vote depend on who’s lives they find important to save; that’s not as straightforward as it should be.

  • Perhaps I wasn’t clear. Employees are clocking in early and not performing work related duties, and employees are clocking in before they even show up to work. What I meant by my last question is that employees are stealing wages. I know that won’t be popular, and it’s not at all to say that employers are worse at it, but your comment on the subject brought into mind because it’s definitely related.

  • I see this quite often as a manager. Shift is 8-5, hour lunch. Per policy, deviance must be approved by the supervisor. I get people all the time clocking in at 740ish and not starting work until 815ish, circle jerk around the coffee pot. In fairness, I SHOULD dock that time, but I don’t. Write up for violating established policy. I had a guy a few days ago, clocked in at 8, text me at 815 that he is running late because he can’t find his clothes (what?!). Who’s stealing wages in this scenario?

  • According to stats I’ve read for my state, most of wage theft is former employees, whether they quit or were terminated, not getting their final paycheck in the time frame dictated by law. I don’t really see this as wage theft, because IN MY EXPERIENCE, tracking down former employees can be difficult, even if they quit yesterday.

    This NOT to say other forms of wage theft don’t happen maliciously.

  • Do you want to ban free trials to protect the forgetful?

    Yes, in a way. They are counting on the forgetful to an extent. There are actual apps to cancels services people have forgotten about but still pay for. Remove the requirement for cc info for a free trial. There are services out their that I might use but I’m not comfortable inserting cc info until I’m sure it is useful to me. If the product is as great as Apple (or whoever) say it is, people will subscribe.