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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • They’re built differently depending on where you live in the states and your environment. I know y’all love staying ignorant to feel superior but this one is still pretty dumb. People in Japan practically have paper walls and I don’t see you guys all up your snobby butts about that. Xenophobic turds. It would take people 10 seconds to learn why some of our houses are built the way they are but they won’t bother if they haven’t by now because they prefer the ignorance.

  • What kinda boomer crap is this lmao. Millennials and xers like to act all high and mighty as if we didn’t birth the evil that is 1337 (leetspeak). Don’t forget our cringy “le so random” phase 🤢

    tHe nOrWHaLe bAcONs aT miDNigHt roflcopter!!! Rofl!!!11111

    Hooman, what r u doing hooman?

    I can has cheezburger was peak humor for us at one point ffs. If we don’t get over ourselves and stop dunking on gen z we’re just as bad as the assholes that made all those braindead articles about avocado toast and how millennials are killing the diamond industry.

    Besides, gen z is just us but raised with less false hope and American dream bullshit. The people you gotta worry about are gen alpha. Those are some feral mfers right there. They’re being raised by the internet and it shows lol