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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • While high speed trains reach speeds up to around 350kmh ordinary trains reach speeds up to around 250kmh.

    So while high speed trains can go about 50% faster than ordinary trains the price tag for building and maintaining is many times more expensive compared to ordinary railway.

    So let’s start maintaining the railways we have and build more. Making sure that it’s possible to go from point A to point B safely and in time

    Then we start building high speed railways, connecting major cities.

  • The statement you think is supporting your belief is actually saying the opposite. WHO specifically does not claim that aspartame cause cancer.

    However, what they did state is there was no reason to change the recommended acceptable daily intake level of 40 mg per kg of body weight per day .

    Also, The FDA disagrees with IARC’s (what you refer to as WHO) conclusion that these studies support classifying aspartame as a possible carcinogen to humans. FDA scientists reviewed the scientific information included in IARC’s review in 2021 when it was first made available and identified significant shortcomings in the studies on which IARC relied. FDA also pointed out that JECF (also WHO) did not raise safety concerns for aspartame under the current levels of use and did not change the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).

    So yeah… Just believing journalists trying to click bait you is probably more likely to give you cancer than following the recommendation from WHO regarding daily intake of aspartame.

  • “There’s no chance NATO’ll grant Ukraine membership. It is right next to Russia, and NATO is scared to upset Putin.”

    While I agree that the chances for Ukraina bring admitted is next to slim I definitively don’t agree with your opinion on why it will not happen.

    You do understand that Ukraine is literally the only democracy in Europe that shares borders with Russia and is not a member of NATO?

  • Riksbanken har som uppdrag att bland annat reglera inflationen. Tanken är att Riksbanken ska vara oberoende så att populistiska politiker inte ska börja experimentera.

    Om vi flyttar över uppdraget till riksdagen (= låter politikerna leka med skatter) så är det främst två problem jag ser.

    1. politiker som inte kan något alls om nationalekonomi får direkt makt över Sveriges ekonomi.

    2. Kampen mot inflationen blir otroligt långsam i svängarna då riksdagen inte är så fruktansvärt snabba i sina beslut. Tänk på hur virrigt det varit de senaste 10 åren med SD som röstar oberäkneligt och t o m i vissa fall förstört för Sverige bara för att de inte fått som de ville.