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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • U can take the redditor out of reddit, but u cant take the reddit out of redditors

    No but really i think is just a human thing. Like when someone makes a popular song and then many people try to make a similar one. Or someone does their hair one way and many try to copy. Or even in real life, there are some jokes that are old but are known now because they got repeated a lot. Even the figure of speech i use there, is repeated over time. So im just teasing a bit, i know it’s not only a reddit thing lol (but did happen on reddit a lot! This repitition does remind me a bit of those reddit comments like “and my axe!” “I also choose this guy’s wife” “narrator: it did not” “sir this is a wendy’s” “instructions unclear: ____” etc. but hopefully wont be as drawn out.)

  • SAME its happened on Reddit where I would have a back and forth w someone where we disagreed but it was respectful, and then in the middle of it I’d notice the other person’s comments being -1 even new ones. Meaning someone who isnt in the convo would start downvoting the other person, and I’d be like ‘what if they think I did it? What if that damages a mutual understanding they were close to reaching? What if that turns them off from considering a different point of view bc they assume I’m doing it and that I’m hostile?’ Then sometimes I’d be like “sorry someone is downvoting you its not me”

  • Afaik - feel free to correct me - this is charging companies for when they show ppl the news content on their platforms bc when that happens theres no reason for people to go on the news site, so they dont, and those companies just profitted (or at least prevented the news sites from profitting) off info that someone else wrote. Is like if u look up “lemon nutrition facts” and then all the info is just right there, sometimes you can see in the corner or bottom a link to the website that info came from but a lot of people wouldnt even go onto the site because Google already showed them the info. So thats why this was done i think ?? I think something like this was tried in Australia too and Google didnt like it then either. But idk if it went through.

  • Now that i read it: i saw some ppl here wonder about bots posting comments or maybe downvoting, bc of apparently a lot of comments being against the protest suddenly more than before? And more downvotes on comments about it? If really bots are being used for this, will that also contribute to the traffic metric like a normal user would?

    But that said im not sure if theyre bots, but i did see some people mentioned that they thought there’s some false accounts speaking on Reddit’s side.

  • I started not to like when people who have some kind of authority constantly try be all silly and goofy and “meme-y”. It never seem to go well when theyre like that, they often ended up being really immature or have big ego/hubris, and causing harm because of it. So bc of that im not amused by this tho im sure they think this would amuse us ‘commoners’ and that theyre ‘totally fitting in.’ As much as I dont think is necessary for anyone to have that much money, in a world where billionaires do exist id rather they be decent or at least mature and not hear about them constantly, than to hear about them constantly because theyre immature and always trying for attention.