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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2023


  • Answer their question with questions. If they ask about your weekend all about their’s then followup on a detail. They will talk for a couple minutes then end with some version of “hey great chat but I need to get a couple things done”. If you want to remain approachable you need to give people the chance to talk but also don’t really need to share much of yourself. Keep tabs on the easy things(kids, spouse, etc) and you have a lot of variations of very basic questions for a short conversation. How’s kid liking school? Did you and spouse have a nice weekend? Then one or two follow up questions to them and you can end the conversation without the other person feeling like you blew them off.

  • I feel that this really sums up the sentiment that I notice in my area.

    “Most crucially, major corporations crave younger consumers and lifelong brand loyalists. Outside of cable news, older consumers are less attractive to most advertisers. And younger people (meaning anyone under 45!) lean decidedly to the left. The most coveted 18-29-year-old demographic leans farther left than any other. Long gone are the days of the Reagan youth, when 18-24-year-olds backed the Republican over Walter Mondale by over 30 points in the 1984 presidential election, and corporate America catered to them accordingly.”

    The 55+ demographic has had the cultural and political focus on them their whole lives. Now that it’s not catering to their opinions they are throwing a tantrum.

  • I still don’t think that the full impact of COVID is being accounted for in polling and voter outcomes. Yes the first wave hit blue areas hard and fast due to population density but with the vaccine and the ever growing amount of time it has been available I have to imagine it is almost exclusively hitting red areas now. COVID has not gone away but vaccinated people aren’t dying at nearly the rate of the unvaccinated of which that group is pretty exclusively GOP or at least Maga. When some of these elections were coming down to the thousands of voters 3 years ago what happens when thousands of dedicated GOP voters are now dead?

  • That is how pretty much all states, not just Ohio, are layed out. The USA is massive in terms of land. Ohio is roughly the size of Germany. The play is to get 60-70-80 percent in major Metropolitan areas because the rest of the state is cows and corn. Only 7 counties had more than 100k votes cast in total with the three counties home to Cleveland, Columbus, and Cincinnati accounting for almost 1/3 of the total votes cast. All 7 of those counties voted in favor of issue 1. Any district that doesn’t have a major metro area is not viable. These areas are bleeding money and jobs and losing population. Eventually they will lose enough and Ohio will lose enough congressional seats that it will not be able to be reliably gerrymandered as heavily because of the population being so heavily centered in 3 locations. Ohio was one of the first test for GOP gerrymandering and it is a first look at what will happen when that is the only way they can win.