And Von Braun
And Von Braun
“okay we’re not racist, were just discriminate on other things”
Ah okay. The Chromecast thing is a killer feature I’ve been looking for, my media PC that I have now is pretty good, just doesn’t have that one thing.
What about safari? Doesn’t it still use webkit?
Comic review closed: please don’t advertise identity politics
Yeah but GitHub defaults to GPL, so checkmate nerd 😎
I’ve also heard that this advice really only scales until you hit the cost of living price for your area, which supports your idea.
Its not necessarily “money won’t make you happier”, it’s more “poverty makes you sadder”
I’m sure you understand
Idk I spent a few years in Europe and, to be honest, I don’t think so. You ask a European about gypsies or Muslim immigrants and all of a sudden they’re mask off. But “it’s different” so it’s okay
The black plague was, in part, blamed on European Jews poisoning the town wells haha
I’m a white guy, but I know a decent amount of people either born in, or ethnically from, Latin American countries. I don’t know a single one of them who doesn’t despise “Latinx” haha
I’ve been talking about this for years! I got the idea from razer but I’m imagining the laptop chassis adds a nice screen, enormous battery, better IO, and then it just uses the touch screen as the track pad.
It could be so cool
Can you tell me more about these homemade android TV boxes? I built a really shitty front end to “turn” my Linux based mini PCs into a media streamer but it lacks things like Chromecast and reliability haha
I mean the common thing I see in this thread is just people recommending a docker container that hosts the server. Not really what I would call “3rd party bullshit” and I would absolutely recommend running a game server in a docker container. It makes a lot of things easier.
About a year ago I got one of those alarm clocks that slowly light up to simulate the sun rise, and that’s been a game changer. I wake up so much easier and feel less groggy when I do.
Highly recommend
That usually happens around 5am for me. When the molly wears off and the birds start chirping
Actually the breed standards are changing to push breeders towards healthier dogs!
They are call Retropugs and they tend to be bread with things like Terriers to give them functional skulls and spines!
2 out of the 3 DSN locations aren’t even in the US or managed by NASA.
Also, fun fact, the Canberra complex has the only antenna that can communicate with Voyager 2!
Yeah it’s Thursdays for me when I realize that I haven’t done shit this week and need to crank out a bunch of stuff haha
I think a lot of people are still stuck in the HDD days where windows could take 15-20 mins for a cold boot.
But I only sleep windows because I like to get game updates while I sleep.
Or if your frame of reference isn’t the same as the object