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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 1st, 2024


  • Our communities were sold, literally, to capitalism and marketing. Free community spaces and events are encroached on every day. That’s why they want to defend libraries, for instance - too much free shit being given out. You can’t even organize at a library because you’re supposed to be quiet there. It’s just that capitalism seeks capital in everything including free services. So it takes little bites off everything until we don’t have benches or bathrooms or trash in parks anymore because we can instead force people to pay to use those services at the nearby gas station or whatever.

    This country is falling to fascism because we literally do not have things like free spaghetti socials anymore. We have no community. If the cemetery worker had neighbors who cared about her and were part of her community, they’d look out for her and she’d be safe.

    Go to your town hall and demand more free community events. This will fight fascism.

  • But you are telling them to risk their life by going against Trump and being violently retaliated against. And that actually might include tjem needing to use a gun, given how violent rightwing people are. Trump’s own fan base shot at him.

    I do agree we should use our rights. Not using your rights is fundamentally the same thing as not having them. I think it’s unfair that fascism has prevented that worker from using her rights and that’s a goal of fascism - to take away our rights. So she’s a victim here as we are trying to tell you. It’s her right as an individual to not press charges, and her reason is that fascists have scared her. That you wouldn’t react the same way in the same situation is great. Not everyone is like you.

    Sometimes people need a variety of responses to survive. It’s entirely possible this this story will REALLY anger his base as it is. Active duty army worker can’t press charges against a man who assaulted her because of retaliation from Trump and their people. All so he could disobey rules in fucking Arlington. It could not be a bigger faux pas with conservative women, many of whom have sons in the military and tend to care about men hitting women and officers. A lot of military folks aren’t going to like this either. At minimum it makes him appear even more senile, out of touch, weak, and out of control. It’s bad no matter what.

  • But in the case of Hurricane Katrina, if people had all stayed they would’ve all died. There are groups of people all over who only survived genocide by others and total decimation by natural disasters because some fled.

    I agree we should confront fascists if we are able. I have a collection of death threats from Nazis, myself. But not everyone has to be like me to be valid. Some people aren’t fighters, they flee. That’s fine. Or should we give pregnant women and 5 year olds guns?

    If fascists have no one to hurt but each other, then they consume themselves. Fleeing involves the least amount of harm to innocent non-fascists versus fighting which gives them a common enemy to harm.

  • Oh yeah actually good point. Probably still relevant since it involves a civilian though, it’s not like civilians can be tried through military court afaik

    Although I wonder if he could claim he was acting as Trump’s agent. Trump, being a former guy who tried to overthrow the government and technically former Commander in Chief of the military, maybe could be court martialed, right? If this is considered an attack by him, like a coup, on our Armed Forces?

    After review by any of these intermediate courts, the next level of appeal is the United States Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces (CAAF).[17][21] The Supreme Court of the United States has discretion under 28 U.S.C. § 1259 to review cases under the UCMJ on direct appeal where the CAAF has conducted a mandatory review (death penalty and certified cases), granted discretionary review of a petition, or otherwise granted relief.


    Idk. I doubt they will do anything regardless. But interesting thought experiment for sure.

  • Ah sure, I can see the comedy of errors there

    I was actually nearly kidnapped as a child in the 90s and have tried to contact investigators with tips previously to cases I believe are related - https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Morgan_Nick

    Afaik, they never followed up on my lead and at the time I was unable to contact her mother and idk if it’s ethical really for me to contact the family vs investigators. My experience with contacting investigators with leads is that it’s pointless. Especially for a huge case like Maxwell, the tips get lost in the noise.

    I will say public analysis of crimes tends to be done well. I’m not talking about reddit and the Boston bomber. I’m talking about the Don’t Fuck With Cats people, and the people in Portland who forced PPB to investigate a serial killer after 5 women showed up dead - they initially said no, it’s unrelated, and then caught Jesse Calhoun. I’m talking about the retired investigators and volunteers who work missing persons/jane doe cases in their spare time in dedicated forums to help identify dead people (I used to volunteer for these programs until my dreams were haunted with dead faces).

    It helps a LOT to get public awareness if you want police to do their jobs.

  • I mean, their victims deserve justice. The families of the victims deserve to know what happened if that is something that happened. Kinda absolutely wild that you are saying, “So what if they trafficked people?” Lol. Kinda matters.

    If you would like, please go ahead and try to find them and ask them. Thanks for suggesting that on your part, seems natural you should be the one to do it since you suggested it.

    I was looking for the term “emotional incest” and not “parentification” earlier, two very very closely related concepts. Basically, it means he made his kid his wife. Often this is done before physical incest occurs. As someone who speaks with survivors a bit, Robert Maxwell’s relationship with Ghilsaine does seem incestuous and likely sexual given Ghilsaine’s later involvement with raping minors. Showing “favoritism” like that is a pretty big sign because she’s not a favorite, she’s his wife.

    Abuse victims have 2 choices when faced with their abuse: agree or disagree. The vast majority of abuse victims disagree with their abuse and do not go on to perpetuate it. However, I do not think Ghilsaine was one of them, clearly.

    Yes, she did try to use “I was abused,” as sympathy for her sentencing, that’s in the linked articles in the OP. It doesn’t excuse her actions over decades and as a 50 year old.

    Thank you for sharing what you remember. If you see the title of this thread, my question wasn’t asking if you personally felt like this was true. It was asking if anyone had more sources about this aspect of Robert Maxwell’s life so I can read more info about these people he supposedly helped.

  • Right, this would be speculation/fact-finding to get more info on this aspect of Robert Maxwell (his connections to moving at risk people around). Imo it’s super weird that he has these ties to “refugees” yet no refugee has come forward to thank him? And it’s actually pretty hard to find articles about it? Yet it seems to somehow be somewhat common knowledge as referenced by people alive then.

    He named his boat after Ghislaine. Reeks of parentification/making her his spouse. He had 9 children total so it’s super weird.

    Epstein is known for being a fraudster and a thief. Including by his buddy Les Wexner, who claims Epstein “misappropriated funds.” And he was fired by Bear Stearns for similar issues. Although it’s likely Les simply was giving Epstein that money for trafficking, which is the majority of Epstein’s financial crimes - money laundering. Which is probably why he liked Trump so much, because per the 2018 documentary Active Measures, Trump specialized in money laundering.

    I think Ghilsaine would keep quiet as this information not only implicates her, but her dad and entire family. It does nothing to benefit her and may cause her to have more charges brought against her. Critical thinking and analyzing public health risks like human traffickers isn’t “voyeurism.”