Lachlan, creator of

  • 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago


    The ttionya/vaultwarden-backup tool is intended to work with Docker volumes. However, you are using a bind mount, not a named volume. Bind mounts refer to the use of local folders to store data, as in your case (./vaultwarden:/data/), while volumes create a specific place within Docker’s own filesystem for the data.

    Although this tool is designed for volumes, it might still work with bind mounts if the backup container can access the data directory. You would need to modify the volume line in the Docker Compose file for the backup tool to point to the directory where your bind mount is located, i.e., to point it to your local ./vaultwarden directory.

    So, you might want to adjust your docker-compose.yml file like this:

        image: ttionya/vaultwarden-backup:latest
        container_name: vaultwarden-backup
          - PUID=1000
          - PGID=1000
          - BACKUP_INTERVAL=12h
          - PRUNE_BACKUPS=7D
          - ./vaultwarden:/vaultwarden:ro
          - ./backups:/backups
        restart: unless-stopped

    In this configuration, ./vaultwarden:/vaultwarden:ro line is the key. It mounts your local ./vaultwarden directory to /vaultwarden inside the backup container (readonly mode), which should allow the backup tool to access the data.

  • Lemmy is a federated social network, similar to Mastodon, where anyone can create and run their own instance. This means it’s not centrally controlled by one entity. The reasons for having many instances include:

    1. Decentralization: This reduces the power of any single entity over the entire network and prevents any central point of failure. If one instance goes down, others are unaffected. This design also helps resist censorship because content moderation is handled individually by each instance.

    2. Community autonomy: Each instance can form its own unique community with its own rules and norms. This can promote diversity of thought and freedom of expression, as different communities can have different standards and policies.

    3. Privacy and security: Having separate instances can provide a higher degree of privacy and security. The admin of an instance only has access to data from their instance, not the entire network.

    Regarding the concern of popular instances becoming like Reddit, it’s worth noting that decentralization inherently provides a counterbalance. If an instance becomes too dominant or its policies become unpopular, users can migrate to or create a new instance. In the end, the federated nature of Lemmy allows for a much more democratic and user-driven online community.

  • Generally it will be the user input that causes errors. Like you’re asking the questions the wrong way.

    If you start with trying to debug code, you’ll learn how to utilise it very quickly. It’s an extremely powerful tool.

    Feed it the code. Tell it the behaviour. Tell it the expected behaviour.

    Get it will find the error immediately. For things that would have taken me days to work out previously.