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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Why do you think a different word is needed?

    Because the word has been largely washed of all negative connotations, at least across the minds of the majority of the populace in the U.S.

    If you are trying to convey what the word settler means in a dictionary by using it in casual conversation, you are likely to find that it is not carrying the full weight of its intended meaning in the mind(s) of the listener(s).

    This makes it a FUNCTIONALLY inadequate word despite being a technically correct one.

  • Vertical tabs I could maybe buy someone wanting but MORE AI? Not based on what I’m reading, even in surveys.

    If they want to make Firefox more popular, make it so I can close 54 of my 55 open tabs in task manager with “end task” without the whole app crashing (read:fix memory). Add in greater stack trace visibility into what parts of what add-ons are increasing load time at first launch (you can currently kinda see which add-ons, but it’s barely even bare bones info) (read: fix speed issues. Basic stuff like ad block and no script shouldn’t sesquiseptuple load times (that’s two orders of magnitude)

    Do stuff the other browsers WON’T do, because their paradigm forbids proper optimization.

  • Yeah, I saw “Gay student says coach” and went “oh no, not AGAIN?!?!” Then saw “Tim Walz” and was briefly all “fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck” until I read the rest.

    How bad is it that headlines about terrible abuse are so much more common than positive stories that my brain just went to bad first thing.

    One day I want to see news as something other than filler to grab ad revenue.

    I’d like institutional reform in the athletic sector too, but I can’t decide which is less likely to actually happen.

  • Seriously.

    Like, the Democrats finally learned ONE EFFECTIVE THING with “weird”.

    It would be super cool if we didn’t ONCE AGAIN torpedo the ever-living fuck out ourselves by saying PROVEN STUPID SHIT THAT ALWAYS GUARANTEES THE SAME RESPONSE.

    We have at least ten more years before talking about gun control will have the opposite effect it does now.

    Currently even mentioning it does nothing demonstrable FOR the person who says it (because it’s typically hand waving instead of problem solving) but it sure as hell drives up ammo sales and gun afficianado panic levels.

    It’s a footgun, not a soapbox.

  • Right now they’re just waving fistfuls of money in Trump’s direction and he gets to pick up whatever falls out of their hands as they’re waving. It’s definitely big money that he’s getting, but it’s ultimately castoffs to the people who attempted to BUY GOLF ON A PLANETARY SCALE just because they felt like it.

    Right now any mumbling about climate change is status quo for them.

    Drawing direct ire would be an INCREDIBLY STUPID CHOICE right now. Get into office FIRST, then go after the oil barons.

    Publicly call out poorly designed cities, under funded public transportation, and corporate resistance to working from home.

    Do not publicly call out the oil barons by name.

    Not right now.

    Do not summon what you cannot banish.

  • I mean, the lead up to the tea party’s core ideals was already there with stuff like that Imus wanker openly calling the WNBA “Nappy-headed hoes” on his national news show in like 2004-2005. The current hard right, isolationist, bigoted downfall has been going on since rush limbaugh hit the airwaves in the late 80’s. Before the rush era, there was some serious bullshit, but that was the start of not stowing the hoods UNDER the pickup seats anymore. Saying the bigoted parts out loud, in public, and nationwide with blanket tacit approval from roughly half the country really grew legs with that fucker. I think that was 87. Pat Robertson running for president and everything.

    The concepts of “us” and “them” started getting real widespread traction with otherwise middle-of-the-road people when rush hit.

  • No, nor should they try, nor should they stick with their current seemingly nonsensical policy ideas about guns.

    The “gun problem” as it stands is really more of a symptom of our mental health crisis, our ridiculously confrontational “news” cycle, and a number of other HUMAN factors that aren’t going to be solved by banning a particular model of gun, though and no one seems to want to hear that.

    Screeching “Ban the right’s favorite model of toy” right before an election is beyond tone deaf, and an incredibly dumb move politically that won’t do squat except mobilize the NRA voters to vote the other way, which we DO NOT NEED with democracy in this country at stake.

    I can personally count multiple handfuls of coworkers and acquaintances who might have voted for him that will now vote trump or stay away from the polls over this.

  • Aside from one (seemingly very out of place at the time) early mention that the author used Bitcoin, there was no hint of it being pro-bitcoin until the very, very end.

    I found it to be a very worthwhile article right up until that point and even slightly intriguing from an academic perspective after that point.

    I despise the endless blind parroting of the typical cryptobro refrains elsewhere on the Internet when crypto is brought up and I still liked the article, so I wouldn’t write it off just because one guy with a cryptohammer inevitably sees the very real SMTP problem as a cryptonail in the end. It’s natural when you have a “solution in search of a problem” situation like we do with crypto (and block chain, and for that matter SharePoint. People with knowledge of a thing often try to use it to solve problems it probably wasn’t meant for.)

    • “Why are we talking about Biden when we SHOULD be talking about Trump!?”

    What I mean when I utter something like this is: “why are we laser-focused on a few of Biden’s relatively minor (IN COMPARISON) gaffes/mistakes/issues/flaws when the laundry list of shit that’s bad about Trump is TWO ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE LARGER?”

    If you count up every bad thing Trump has done that would be on looping repeat on fox news for weeks if Biden or Obama said/did it, you’d hit five digits before you got back to Trump talking about grabbing women by the pussy. It’s fucking LUDICROUSLY one-sided. And non-fox stations are not much better. Think about it.

    • "Why is the media giving Trump so much attention!?!

    So much POSITIVE attention.

  • So according to the head of the catholic church, slagging off the pope is worse than fucking children?

    One is just cause for excommunication according to the rules. Excommunication is a very specific punishment for very specific religious things.

    Stealing communion wine could technically earn you an excommunication depending on how it was done and what was done with the wine.

    The rules behind excommunication are practically ancient at this point but they weren’t there to prevent all sins, just be punishment for specific things that were threatening to the absolute shitshow that the organization itself was a long ass time ago.

    The fact that it’s still a shitshow as an organization, albeit a slightly different KIND of shitshow has no bearing on this situation in particular.

    Let’s be fair, though. All kiddy diddlers are in the depths of iniquity and should have long since been addressed under what’s said in scripture and held to account on that regardless of any talk of excommunication.

    Clergy should have been removed for choosing to actively live in sin and then punished according to the law.