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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: March 4th, 2024


  • In the past they’ve been socially aware enough to keep it to themselves. Since Trump became a thing they’ve gotten bold.

    I live in New England so I’m close-ish to where this happened… I’d like to throw something on them like wine to stain their ghost costumes but who knows if thats legal and i dont want to end up in jail since i have responsibilities to people other than just me.

    Is tossing glitter on them not assault? I want something that sticks and makes it so they don’t want to wear that outfit anymore. Glitter that’s fine enough never comes out… because it’s micro plastics. I normally avoid glitter but feel this might be an exception. Any other ideas non-violent ideas to make them feel unwelcome??

  • Dude, I 100% get what your saying.

    Unfortunately what your asking of people requires personal sacrifice, and people will mentally go all over the place to resist that.

    A personal anecdotes is that I’m no longer in contact with my family because I refused to see my racist grandfather on his deathbed and didn’t attend his funeral.

    My grandfather was an abusive, literal stereotype of a racist(would say things like “them n-words down the road are fucking up this town”) and a raging alcoholic. The world is better because he’s fucking dead. Now I don’t have a family of origin because I wouldn’t pretend he was a good person.

    Men will lose friends and family if they start calling this shit out. It’s hard. You get told to “mind your business” or "it’s just a joke " or get your masculinity questioned. Or the whole “but they’re family” thing. I get why people resist it. No one wants to lose their social support, but often that’s what it comes down to, and they’ll make it feel like you’re the one who’s in the wrong the whole time.

    Social pressure is a hell of a thing. I think framing the context around why men don’t call this stuff out will help them recognize why they should.

  • I guess they forgot that people like Martin Luther King Jr. got shot and killed for speaking out against these so called “high T, alpha males.”

    Being proud of using intimidation tactics is fucking weird and pathetic. Blaming it on garbage pseudo science lowers the bar into degeneracy. THEN turning it into victim blaming…“you’re too weak to have anything worthwhile to contribute” is just… wow.

    Evolutionary psychology was an interesting hypothesis, but it will never recover from these dipshits utilizing it as the loudest dog whistle in history…used to justify sexism and bigotry. I wish they’d all get in elons rocket and be the first people to land on the sun.

  • The animal industry feeds the plants as much as the plants feed the animals. I’m not sure how vegans feel about synthetic fertilizer like miracle grow, but that’s what will have to be used in place of manure if the meat industry goes away.

    Many of the organic crops grown use animal manure to fertilize the plants. I know you can use seaweed and other plants for compost(weeds are already composted back in via tilling, seaweed requires harvesting from the ocean or long distance shipping from farms), as well as cycling crops to prevent nutrient deficiency…

    BUT manure doesn’t just add nutrients. It adds beneficial bacteria that helps keep the soil healthy and make the nutrients bioavailable to plants. It conditions the soil for water retention, and helps break up clay soil and add organic matter to sandy soil.

    Will vegans keep animals just for manure? Or will organic lables on food be less important? Are we going to start scraping the forests for leaves to chop up an add to farm soil? That can’t be good for forests though. I guess I’m just confused about how to maintain large farms without access to large amounts of manure.

  • This is why I’ll probably never travel unless I can take a boat or something. Crying babies aggravate my misophonia to such a severe degree that I will do everything in my power to not be trapped in a small space with even one(no i dont have children.)

    So airplanes are a no go. Basically anywhere else I can remove myself. But in a plane you’re stuck. I know babies can’t help crying, and I can’t help my reaction, but I can also choose to not get on a plane. Babies go where their adult takes them.

    If I can logically parse out that airplanes aren’t a mode of transit I can tolerate maybe others should do the same. Then maybe kids won’t get locked in freaking bathrooms over this shit.

  • JK Rowling is two K’s short of a klan.

    I’d love to see these laws work against her and her followers. Terfs are just as misogynistic as Tater Tot, it just looks different.

    “Oh no, we might be mistaken for trans, ban all trans women.” - Terfs.

    It’s no different than homophonic men being afraid of being mistaken as gay. It’s immature and pathetic.

    I guess it’s a matter of who is interpreting and applying the law though. Which sucks.

  • I wrote this on another post about this topic, but i think it’s worth repeating.

    The women of India formed the Gulabi Gang because this problem has gotten that bad.

    If you read interviews with their founder it’s really upsetting just how common rape and domestic violence are in India and how little law enforcement cares.

    I think it’s more helpful to listen to women who live in India who have experienced this sort of violence. I think it’s better to be informed on their reality rather than speculating on the situation as foreigners.