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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 21st, 2023


  • To be honest, Bethesda’s best work is probably behind them. They will sell a few more games based on brand recognition and because we are suckers, but I don’t expect much. I’m old enough to have seen many of my favorite developers go through this. It’s difficult to have overwhelming success and keep knocking it out of the park with every release. Expectations for something better than the last thing are so high, the pressure to do something new, the culture change that comes with huge growth, and they eventually lose that magic that captured us in the first place.

  • So help him out instead of trying to steal the project out from under him. I see there are other contributors in the kbin repository. This fork comes off as really sleazy.

    Ernest put in the work and established a community. Now somebody comes along and tries to move that community over to a fork. That’s some bullshit. Zero creativity with the name too. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if this group tries to monetize this thing if they manage to replace kbin. Community-focused my ass. If it was community-focused, you wouldn’t be on here trying to split the community.

  • Dude, just build a better product and let it speak for itself. Or maybe try contributing to kbin. It’s not cool to always be harping on the guy for his development pace and trying to pull people over to your fork. Like, we’re supposed to hop over there because you’ve made more commits this week? How do we know your project would be any better off if it ever blows up the way kbin did?

    That kbin dude got tens of thousands of subscribers overnight and then put on blast with bug reports and feature requests. He’s done a good job running the site too. He’s got a pretty good track record as far as I’m concerned. He hasn’t asked for shit in return except a little space to maintain his sanity.

  • It’s made by a lot of the original Opera team, including the founder. They have some nifty features that either require an addon in Firefox or are unavailable. Tab tiling is the one that I miss almost daily when I’m using Firefox.

    They are an innovative group that often pioneers features that eventually trickle down to other browsers. Although it’s based on chromium, it’s an excellent browser that offers better privacy than Chrome. They have done a great job building a browser that caters to power users but can also be configured to use a simplified UI similar to Chrome.

    If they had container tabs like Firefox it would be my favorite browser hands down. They have profiles like Chrome that work much better than Firefox profiles, but each profile is a separate window whereas container tabs can be mixed in a single window.

  • The headline makes it sound like a bad thing, but that’s more than plenty for launch if they are distinct apps that represent a variety of use cases. Frankly, it’s a lot more than I would expect for a new product like this. Sure, there’s VR and AR available now, but Apple has a track record of rolling together existing tech in a package that’s more accessible and often more useful. You can throw a few things out there to showcase what’s possible, but you also have to wait and see how consumers actually want to use it. They will find use cases the creators didn’t think of or were unsure about. Then the floodgates can really open up in terms of apps. I really wouldn’t be surprised to see people wearing these things out in public.

  • Edit: If you like black coffee, go for a medium roast premium or specialty grade coffee from Costa Rica that goes through a honey process. Very smooth, low acid and a hint of natural sweetness from the coffee fruit.

    Yeah, they over roast their coffee. It’s deliberate. I assume it’s for consistency and because it’s a low effort way to cut through all that milk and sugar in expensive lattes. Americans have also been conditioned to associate dark, bitter coffee with “strong”.

    The irony is dark roast has less caffeine than lighter roast and it’s usually done to mask defects in the bean. Whether to roast light, medium or dark typically isn’t an arbitrary decision or based on any preference. There’s a whole grading process where the ideal roast is determined based on the quality of the beans.

    The highest quality beans will often be roasted medium and you start going darker as you get into the lower quality stuff. Basically, you’re cooking off bad flavors that may be the result of sour beans, mold, insect damage, chemicals or worse. There are all kinds of farming practices you don’t want to know about where they get away with it by roasting dark and/or blending with a little bit of a higher quality coffee.

    The thing with Starbucks is they actually start with good beans so they don’t have to do this. They also have a wide variety of suppliers and bean types. They could easily put together a great flavor profile that would work for lattes as well as black coffee. But things do change a little bit from one harvest to the next. Starbucks is all about consistency. You can order the same drink at any location in the world and it tastes exactly the same every time.

    A small black coffee is $2 because people will pay that much. The cost is less than 25 cents for the coffee. The cup and lid might cost more than what you’re drinking if it’s a commercial grade bean. Coffee is a high margin business.

  • Cyberpunk was really good by the time the 1.5 patch came out. I think it was about a year. No Man’s Sky took at least that long as well. It takes time.

    My point is neither one of them tried to defend their poor launches and they sure as hell didn’t say it was the players who just didn’t understand the game. They set to work trying to make it right.

    Cyberpunk is one of my favorite games. No Man’s Sky didn’t click for me, but I recognize that it’s a pretty polished game these days.

    I think the biggest issue with Starfield is the things they are saying in response to poor reviews and legitimate criticism. It’s not even just bugs. The thing that drove me crazy was the inventory management and menus. You spend so much time on those screens and they are clunky. Here’s a thing that a lot of players have a problem with and the developers defend it as something that works as designed. It’s the same thing with the boring, empty planets, although that one doesn’t bother me so much. The first Mass Effect game was the same way and it was still great.

  • It’s a little boring, it seemed unfinished at launch, the performance wasn’t great, and the developers have since claimed that it’s the players who have it all wrong. There’s an interesting story in there somewhere but the game is flawed. When the developers are slow to acknowledge the issues and make updates, I think it causes a lot of players to be apathetic about the game.

    In contrast, CD Projekt and Hello Games knew their games were bad at launch and kicked things into gear almost immediately. No bullshit excuses and they kept pushing updates until the games were good. Both are pretty much a case study on how to recover from a bad launch.

  • They’re not losing. They are kicking the absolute shit out of the Palestinians. This is not even a remotely fair fight. The problem is most of these people didn’t have anything to do with 10/7, which means Israel is destroying any respect or goodwill anyone had for them when this started.

    Nobody would have batted an eye if they just wanted to get in there and kill some terrorists. It was 100% justified for Israel to respond. But you expect a tough, appropriate response and not some maniac shit. They have wrecked half of Gaza and have everyone crammed in the other half. This shit is nuts. It’s as bad as Russia with Ukraine and Russia is the absolute sleaze of the planet. Israel really went low here.

  • I don’t plan to vote for her or any other Republican candidate. But there’s going to be a candidate and I see her as the lesser of the evils. While I don’t agree with her positions or particularly like her, I acknowledge that she is at least qualified to hold office and believe that she will leave after completing a term, which is more than I can say about the other candidates. We don’t always get the candidate we want and that’s part of democracy. It’s ok to disagree on policy as long as we can agree on what it means to be Americans.

    DeSantis is a hack and I do not believe he has demonstrated either good character or an ability to effectively govern. He relies on a Republican super-majority in the state legislature to ram his agenda through. Sooner or later you have to work with the opposing party to get things done and he has never had to do that. He can’t expect a Republican super-majority if he’s in the White House and I don’t think he has the political chops to work with Congress. Hell, his former colleagues in Congress say he basically ghosted them once he became governor. He’s also a racist asshole and hates LGBT people.

    Ramaswamy is a hateful prick who is good at getting people riled up. That has nothing to do with governing. I don’t believe he is qualified in any way, shape or form.

    Trump is a traitor. His actions on 1/6 are an affront to every person who has ever worked to preserve or better our country or our way of life. He literally tried to deprive all Americans - even his own supporters - of a free and fair election. Ironically, many of his supporters consider themselves patriots who believe in free and fair elections. He has deprived them of their faith in our democratic systems as much as he has anyone else, and, in the process, has created an awful schism between Americans. I can’t think of a worse criminal in our nation’s history. It is unfathomable that he is considered a candidate for any public office. His rightful place should be on the gallows. His trials, eventual conviction, and imprisonment is a future far better than what he deserves.